Mutagen of Gorilla Species in EarthGrid | World Anvil

Mutagen of Gorilla


Circa 2030, gorillas were known as the strongest animals on Earth. With their muscles of steel they were able to freely fight and stomp any animal in the wild. Lifting over a ton with bare hands is an impressive feat of strength!
Now, after the nuclear war, the line between humans and animals has been drastically altered and with that came the mutagen of gorilla. This biological combination that alters the 18th chromosom created a mix of gorillas and humans.


Main Feature:

Incredibly strong mutants with unmatched grip strength.


Depending on the individual, rather be left alone but that's unreasonable in the current landscape. Mutants with this mutagen can keep their composure until taunted or challenged.

Background of species

Originally from Africa, but with the major imbalances across the ecosystem they managed to migrate to every continent.


  • They are vulnerable to radiation, their comfortable RI *insert radiation index* is around 20-45, they can be trained through radiation training *insert radiation training* to be more resilliant.
  • Female mutants of this species can have only 1 off spring per year which is not a lot in comparison to other species.
  • They lose 3 points of might in cold weather

  • Special ability:

    - Rampage:

    when taunted/challenged they have to engage in an attack. They gain 1d6 to their attack roll

    Min stats:

    Might Speed Intelect
    20 14 10
    Pool equal to the base stats


    dependent on the player but these are always present:

    Calm [Not when rampage is active]

    - Muscles of iron [M]

    - "I like to fist fight"


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