Snark Species in Earth | World Anvil


Pteragantas neos

Pteragantas neos (New Giant Wing) also known as the Snark is an anurognathid pterosaur far exceeding the size of its Jurassic ancestors. With a wingspan of 3 meters it is the largest flyer in Juland's skies. Snarks are named after the call they produce when communicating within the flock which is described as a "snarky grunt." Although communal, living in flocks up to 20 individuals, they choose to hunt only in pairs, pairs are usually made up of mates, siblings or bonded partners.

Snarks are excellent hunters, capable of bringing down prey far above their weight-class. Pairs have been documented lifting Unicorns high above the ground and dropping them to their death. The flat and wide mouths of a Snark is filled with serrated teeth designed to strip large amounts of flesh off the bone in one bite, this eating style allows them to consume as much as possible before scavengers push them off the corpse.

Snark flock together at dusk and sleep together in the tall trees that dot the savannah, hanging upside down like bat. During breeding season, the male plumage molt from the dark brown shared by the females to bright yellow, blue or green which reflects sunlight for a dazzling display. Males with shinier plumage are seen as more health specimens. Eggs are built in the tree they sleep in, which usually lays at the center of their territory, during this time a few Snarks, usually male, will remain at the tree during the day to guard the nests of the other flock members. Guards will defend their tree fiercely, going as far to chase trespassers far beyond their territory's border. Chicks are born with strong arm and leg muscles which are needed for the chick to hold onto the chest of its parents, chicks remained attached to a parent even during their hunts, however the parent holding the chick will usually not engage in the hunt directly.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Order: Pterosauria
Clade: Caelidracones
Family: Anurognathidae
Genus: Pteragantas
Species: P. neos


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