Ebony Lancehorn Species in Earth | World Anvil

Ebony Lancehorn

Lonchiceratops evenos

Travelling in large matriarchal herds, the Ebony Lancehorn is one of the most common large herbivorous dinosaurs on the Southern Lemurian fern prairies. Both male and females possess two massive brow horns and a smaller nose horn with gives them a Chasmosaurian appearance despite being a Centrosaurian. Generally black in colours, Lancehorns can flush blood into their frills, creating a dazzling display that can frighten predators and intimidate rivals. 

When displays don't work to deter opponents, Lancehorns are willing to live up to their name, their forward pointing horns are the perfect height and length to skewer the vital areas of most predators capable of threatening them. Females are generally smaller and thus have to rely on numbers to protect themselves and their calves from predators, however healthy adult males have no natural predators. Too large to be threatened by Tyrants and possess a reliably fire resistant hide, not even dragons can hunt them. Males only seek out their own kind during the breeding season, in which they will joust one another for dominance over a herd. Once a dominant bull; also known as a Lord, is established, he will remain with the herd until the hatchlings are able to travel with their mothers. Lords will act as herd guardians alongside the matriarch, or Lady, protecting the herd from any and all threats.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Clade: Dinosauria
Order: Ornithischia
Suborder: Ceratopsia
Family: Ceratopsidae
Subfamily: Centrosaurinae
Tribe: Lonchiceratopsini
Species: Lonchiceratops
Genues: L. evenos


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