Abyssal Deeproot Species in Earth | World Anvil

Abyssal Deeproot

Adripicharnia obscurus

Far beyond the reach of light in the deepest parts of the Vernean Caverns oceans, an absolutely bizarre lifeform thrives. What at first glance would appear to be a plant is in fact an animal. Highly derived Rangeomorphs, Deeproots fill a variety of niches, from harmless filter feeders to predators convergently evolving a hunting style similar to carnivorous plants. One such predator is the Abyssal Deeproot, a large almost maple leaf-shaped Deeproot that employs a "hugging" grab with its "arms" when it detects movement of prey. Abyssal Deeproots form vast forests of various ages, selecting different prey depending on their own size. Adults can grow nearly 10 meters tall in extreme cases. Deeproots are named after their extensive roots that anchor them to the ground to resist the extreme currents that occasionally pass through. Deeproots breed via spawning and allow currents to blow the fertilized eggs away.
Kingdom: Animalia
Subkingdom: Eumetazoa
Phylum: Petalonamae
Class: Rangeomorpha
Family: Immanisplantidae
Genus: Adripicharnia
Species: A. obscurus


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