3 The Trade Caravan Plot in Earth | World Anvil
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3 The Trade Caravan

While travelling down the road you come across an abandoned caravan. There are three carts.   One is missing it's wheels, one is turned on it's side, and one was burned a while ago.   DC 15 nature check to see that it's rained a couple times since this happened. There are no tracks to be found. Could have been anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.   The carts are all facing the same direction you are going: towards Mandan.

Plot points/Scenes

Cart w/no wheels:   DC 18 investigation check: You find a hidden compartment in the floor boards and inside is a vial with a golden liquid. The vial is labeled "Greater Healing"   Cart on it's side:   There is lots of broken glass inside, but nothing of value. The hidden compartment contains a small box with a silver ring inside of it. The inside of the ring has the initials J.R. and the words "I will love you forever" etched into it. The ring would be worth about 10 GP   Burned cart:   DC 12 investigation check: You find a hidden compartment in the floor boards and inside is a vial with an orange-red liquid. The vial is labeled "flame retardant"
Plot type

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