1 The Visi Plot in Earth | World Anvil
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1 The Visi

While travelling the road not far from the city the guide calls for the party to stop. A pair of Visi approach from the trees and speak to the guide in a foreign tongue. The guide does not openly relay the information after the encounter and the caravan continues on.

Plot points/Scenes

While travelling the road the Thungi guide, quite well ahead of the group, suddenly stops and raises a fist in the air. Chard stops the cart.   The guide does not seem concerned. He waits patiently in the middle of the road about 30 feet ahead of the party. Rog unslings his rifle, but doesn't raise it. He keeps looking around.   After a few moments two masked figures emerge from the trees. One is a wolf, the other a bear. The approach your guide and speak with him briefly. The take a moment to look over the party from a distance before moving into the treeline on the other side of the road, to the north.   Your guide waits, watching the trees where the two disappeared, then motions you on to proceed.   He will only speak to the party over that evenings' campfire if they ask.   "Darkness moves across the land. The Shadow God has left his realm and feasts on the souls of the Sklav. Mandan sits under shadow with a slave army at its gates. The old prophecies are coming true; the tribes are uniting and we will all die for it."
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