Jersey Devil Simulacrum Species in Earth 2068 | World Anvil

Jersey Devil Simulacrum

The Jersey Devil Simulacrum is a genetic monstrosity that is noted to exist in the Pine Barrens forest in southern New Jersey, United States. Clearly based on the myth of the Jersey Devil, the Simulacrum was created by an unknown individual and released into the wild. The first reports were made in 2066 after several pets were attacked in the region. The reports were initially dismissed, but more substantial investigation was given after a video recording of the creature was made with several eyewitnesses corroborating it. Despite several large hunts, it has continued to elude authorities as of 2068.

Unlike other genetic monstrosities, the Jersey Devil Simulacrum has been continuously reported for two years. This indicates one of two things: either the creature has somehow massively surpassed the six month lifespan of other genetic monstrosities, or there are in fact several Jersey Devil Simulacra, with additional creatures being released over time by the unknown creator. Due to the lack of bodies found, the first hypothesis is generally accepted.

The Jersey Devil Simulacra is the latest in a series of genetic monstrosities reproducing cryptids, as seen with the Loch Ness Simulacra and the Bigfoot Simulacra. The creature is noted for its remarkable similarity to the original Jersey Devil myth from the 1930s, including glowing red eyes, wings, and a high-pitch, extremely loud scream. The existence of this creature and its lifespan have drawn tourists from around the world and re-ignited the field of cryptozoology, as well as raised awareness of the dangers of illegal genetic engeineering.
Unknown, over two years


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