Primal Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Earth - ClF3 | World Anvil

Primal Magic

Primal Magic is arguably the oldest form of Magic used by humanity. The Fae are creatures who are intrinsically linked to Primal Magic. Primal Magic is practiced by Shamans, Wise-Women, Witches, Folk-Healers and Wild-Men. Those who traffic with Elemental Spirits or Fae Creatures for knowledge or power practice Primal Magics. Rangers who wander the wilderness use Primal Magics to help them survive outside of civilization.

Primal Magic is learned by experience and by connecting with the natural world on a spiritual level. Speaking with animals, commanding the elements and divining future events based on natural patterns. Primal Magic also has the ability to heal and cure common ailments. These abilities have been known about for ages and those with a strong command of Primal Magic are often feared as Witches, or working with malevolent nature spirits. In current times Primal Magic is the most difficult to study because the wild nature of the magic defies attempts to classify and quantify it with cold hard study as with Arcane Magic. Modern practitioners of Primal Magics are the generalists who can fall into multiple disciplines such as Weather and Elemental Control, Natural Healing, Summoning and Spirit Communication and Divination.
Metaphysical, Elemental


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