Chevalier Pegasus Species in Earth - ClF3 | World Anvil

Chevalier Pegasus

The Chevalier Pegasus is a domesticated pegasus originally developed in France

Basic Information


Chevalier Pegasi are Hexapodal Equine with front legs, back legs and wings located just above and behind the shoulders. The wings of this creature are capable of producing flight with one lightly equipped rider and light barding. Chevalier Pegasi are distinct from other Pegasi in that they are slightly slower but can carry riders and are easier to break for riding. They are stockier than Wild Pegasi or Desert Pegasi and have slightly larger wings.

Ecology and Habitats

Chevalier Pegasus are domesticated animals not occurring in the wild.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Chevalier Pegasi are typically fed grains, grasses and fodder but are also known to eat small bones, eggshells and even small birds caught on the wing.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Chevalier Pegasi are entirely domesticated but other subspecies of pegasi typically live in herds


Chevalier Pegasi have been selectively bred from the Wild Pegasus and the now extinct Nordic "Asgardian" Pegasus. They are stockier and better at carrying loads and riders. They are aggressive and nearly fearless creatures easily broken to battle noise.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

French Mage Units utilize Chevalier Pegasi as mounts in battle and to travel to mission locations.

Average Intelligence

Chevalier Pegasi, like all pegasi, are more intelligent than most other quadrupedal equines. Chevalier Equines are typically quite adept at reading their rider's moods and intentions and intuitively coordinating with their rider as a partner.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Chevalier Pegasi have excellent senses of hearing and smell, being able to scent fresh water on the wind from hundreds of miles away.
Scientific Name
Equus alatus domesticus
European, Greek, Scandinavian
40 years
Conservation Status
This subspecies of pegasus is domesticated and bred by select ranches.
Average Height
Average Weight
920 lbs
Average Length
58" - 61"
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pure bred Chevalier Pegasi are a bluish grey to dark grey with a paler underside and darker top side.


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