Arcane Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in Earth - ClF3 | World Anvil

Arcane Magic

Arcane Magic is the branch of magic most easily studied. Arcane Magic has clear inputs and outputs, and has repeatable results. Wizards are the most obvious practitioners of Arcane Magic although some Sorcerers have powers from Arcane sources. Divine Magic is the furthest from Arcane Magic and practitioners of Arcane Magic are often confused or frustrated by Divine Magic users. Artifice is the newest branch of Arcane Magic bringing Technology and Magic closer together and producing magical effects from objects made by the Artificer.

Many colleges and organizations exist for the study of Arcane Magic and there are multiple disciplines one can take along the route to becoming a fully trained Arcane Caster. Spells of 1st and 2nd Level are considered most common for Arcane Casters who are fully trained but levels beyond that can be reached with further study. An Elite Arcane Caster can reach spells of 5th level. Master Arcane Casters are once in a lifetime individuals capable of destroying entire cities or permanently altering the landscape.


Arcane Magic is usually associated with a color and a scent or taste in the air during its casting. The various visual, auditory and other sensory effects associated with Arcane Magic are usually particular to the caster in some meaningful way.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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