Orc Species in Eard | World Anvil


Orcs are a species of intelligent humanoids. Although similiar to humans their main differences are their polygamy and cannibalism. From and outside perspective, Orcs seem a savage and hostile people filled with lust. They eat their own dead and will sleep with anyone, but this is further from the truth. To first claim something is orcish is an inherently wrong question. Like to claim that all humans believe in monarchies and chivalry, it's the same as saying all orcs are tribal savages.
Orcs, just like humans, vary wildly from location to location, the shamanistic and conservative orcs of Arukia are nothing like the proud swashbuckling orcs of Ishaur or the mysterious warrior people of the Frozen Wastes.

Basic Information


Orcs are humanoid beings that stand tall and broad with green skin and tusks protruding from their lower jaw. Female orcs also have tusks but their much smaller than the males. From a biological stand point, larger tusks represent more power which grants males with bigger tusks better chances at mating. In some cultures, Orcs will have their tusks decorated with dyes and ribbons to make them stand out.

Genetics and Reproduction

Orcs reproduce similiar to humans through sex between a male and female. The primary difference is that female orcs are pregnant for seven months rather than nine. Orcs also have a much higher fertility rate and are more likely to have twins or even triplets. On average, orcs have a one in twenty chance of having twins. A mother who has twins is often seen as lucky or even divine by nature and might recieve gifts. 
Orcs notible have much wider hips than humans as well which make giving birth easier to them, and since it takes less time to have children, they're given a slight edge in population.

Growth Rate & Stages

Orcs begin puberty around the ages of ten and finish in their late teens to twenties. After which, Orcs will become full adults and live slowly until they start to become older and can't work anymore.

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs have green tinted skin making them exellent predators in jungle climate. Their huge hands and strength allow them to grapple prey and snap their necks. However most of their hunting practices have been replaced with archery and spear technology and eventually agriculture.
The orcs of Arukia live in open air homes crafted from common building materials such as stone and wood. Wealthier Orcs mold their homes from Shaman Wood, also known as Shaar, a special enchanted wood that's able to bend and be flexable as to allow for more intricate buildings. The wood is also stronger than regular wood and it's most notible attribute is its resistance to heat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Although orcs are omnivores, they often prefer meat over vegtables and can sustain a healthy diet without them.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Orcs are known to have much better equality than human races and will often have equal positions of male and female leaders in a society. However, when a woman becomes a mother, it's expected that she puts aside her other duities to take care of her children. If she has an important position of power, a family member, generally the father of the child or one of her siblings, will fill that position until the children are mature enough to take care of themselves.
Most female orcs who have children will generally retire their old careers and give it to someone else though. They may return to their positions, but it's not expected of them. Women are also expected to bare children in order to strengthen their family. A woman who has many children in orc society is seen as a good mother. Some societies will have places known as the Mother's Coven. Where groups of mothers will raisen their children together.
  Men on the other hand aren't often tasked with care taking after children. While they might be expected with providing food, shelter, and protection to any of their children, it's not common for an orc to want to raise their own child along with the mother. Most male orcs will only being to help raise their children when they old enough to hunt or labor so they can teach them their craft.

Relationship Ideals

Orcs will have multiple wives and or husbands in their life time. In some cultures, these relationships might be permanent or just seasonal things. Orcs often don't experience jealously the same way that humans do and are willing to share their lovers.

Average Technological Level

Orcish technology varies from culture to culture, but they primarly have Iron technology, with minor machinery such as the crossbow or watermill.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Governments, societies and cultures, are for the most part, decentralized. While they may have Kings and Queen, more power is generally given to a division of people, such as a court of senators. Orcs often fight less for a single figure, such as a king, and more for the idea of the clan, kingdom, or family. Orcs are highly social creatures as well, but often live close together and don't trust outsiders.
Since Orcs have much more complex families and can have multiple father or mother figures even if they're not related, their career options are much more diverse. Many orcs will spend time learner several skills until they settle down for a single skill that they're really good at.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Family Traditions
Being that Orcs are polygamous, they often believe in the Law of Family. While this is found in all orc cultures and it has it's variations, it's a common set of laws around the ideals of families or clans. Since Families are often larger than human families, they have more decentrailized unit around the family. Were as humans will often have a single family leader or a mother and father leader, the orcs will have many "representatives" for the family. 
The family unit often can be up to twenty or thirty people, or even a single settlement if it's small enough. Family is a much more flexable term to the orcs than Humans. Since one might be considered a sister or brother to someone they're not genetically related to, it would be seen as inapropriate to have a relationship with them. Orcs this way are often quested with either eventually leave town when they're of age to and find a parter to start a new family with or they'll bring someone new into the family and have children with them there. Generally, it's expected that Men venture out to new places and women take new partners who come to their family unit.
Death and Cannibalism
Orcs are pragmatic and resourceful people and believe nothing should go to waste, including their own dead. Many orcs partake in cannibalism for some it's simply a resource but it's also a religious practice in several cultures. For examples, the Orcs of Zhonkar believe in reincarnation through cannibalism, that when you eat the dead, they'll be reborn in your bloodline. 
While not all Orcish traditions practice Cannibalism in the traditional since as well, the Orcs of Anghal are highly aggriculturally based and use their dead as fertilizer for their crops. The Orcs of Nellock use their dead in interesting ways as well. The Nellocks use necromacy to continue their dead as a labor force until they're exhausted and thrown away.


Orcs are natives of the Arukian jungles and parts of the Zedaric Peninsula. They've since migrated to the northern lands of West Kraul, Ishaur, and Nalhur. While orcs vary frequently from one location to another, their association with death, cannibalism, and polygamy are their most common traits.
60 - 70 years
Average Height
6'5ft - 7ft
Average Weight
230 - 320 lb
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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