The Palmer Item in Earck | World Anvil
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The Palmer (palm-er)

The Palmer is a long, wooden staff with an open hand (usually made of metal) fastened to the top, and often many decorations in addition such as feathers, stones or beads. It has been used by the chiefs of Limrod  'cramps' for many years as a customary means of punishment.

Manufacturing process

A strong tree-branch, trimmed of leaves and smoothed down around the edges, often wrapped in animal skins to provide a handle. At one end of this staff two holes are bored completely through the staff, rotated 90 degrees from each other. It is then fitted into an ideal sized hole in the wrist of the 'palm' or head. A tight wrapping is secured around this, as well as fitting two strong pegs through the holes bored in the handle and wrist of the palm. The palm is often made of metal so that it can be heated in a furnace, but can be made out of wood.


The Palmer was first created by an ancient limrod chief who broke his hand in the punishment of one of his followers, and thus ordered a wooden version of his hand be fashioned out of a log.


Only the chief can hold the Palmer. It is used as a means of punishment in limrod cramps. Whenever a member in a cramp has committed a crime, such as stealing, assault, murder, or violation of another's respect, the Palmer is produced, and the felon is tied to a boulder or post with their back facing the chief. The chief then takes the Palmer and delivers one (or many) sound blow(s) to the felon's backside. The amount of blows vary on both the health of the felon and the severity of the crime. In extreme cases, the Palmer's hand is heated in a furnace as to be much more severe.
Very rare
Base Price
not sold
Raw materials & Components
A long wooden pole, a few bars of metal, and an animal hide.
Carving and cutting tools, a forge in order to create the palm.


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