shinigami Species in Eana | World Anvil
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Shinigami, also known as psychopomps or reapers, are inter-planar spirits who ferry souls from the material plane to the higher planes, acting as the "middle people" of the soul economy of the universe, so to speak.   They are led by the Council of the Reapers and the Shinigami King, and form the larger Society of Souls with members from all of the various planes, including the material plane.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Shinigami may take assignments to the material plane, after being matched with a mortal medium. Once entering the material plane in a physical form, the shinigami takes the form of a weapon matched to the medium's personality and fighting style. This weapon is known as a jäger, and the medium is then known as a meister. Together, these duos form of the Society of Souls as it stands on the material plane.


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