Abjurer Profession in Eana | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Abjurer is a character subclass of Wizard. They practice abjuration: spells which block, banish, remove, negate, and protect. Abjurers seek undoing, rather than doing.





Keymaster Feats

Master level feats are only available after level 10. You cannot multiclass master level feats.  
  • Wax Key — At level 10, provided you have wax, you can use magics to form it to fit any lock which you have already opened or picked.
  • The Key of Imagination — At level 12, you gain the ability to open almost any door into the buddhic plane, including the Dreaming and Otherworld. To do so, you can use an action (or 15 minutes of concentration) on your key, which transforms the door into a portal. You cannot control where the portal opens, however. To return to the material plane, you must perform the same task in the buddhic plane.
  • Skeleton Key — At level 14, you understand the finer inner workings of almost all locks by trial, error, and intense study of associated magics. Provided that there is a simple lock mechanism, you can use magics to mold most materials into the right key.
  • Heart-Shaped Box — At level 16, you come to understand that individuals have desires tightly locked away in their hearts and minds. By designing the right psychic key, you can determine what one of those desires might be. This costs an action in combat, or takes 10 minutes of concentration outside of combat. Once used, it cannot be used again until another long rest.
  • Lock, Stock, and Barrel — At level 18, you come to realize that almost all processes in the universe involve selecting the right key for the right lock, in a metaphysical sense. In any situation wherein there are a defined set of options, you can make an Arcana check. If you roll above 15, you can discern which of the defined set of options is most likely to succeed. Note that this does not mean it will succeed, as your list may not contain the correct solution. This can only be used once per long rest.
  • Keyblade Master — At level 20, any key can be transformed into a blade which can be used in combat. These keys can be enchanted like other weapons, and retain their enchantments from their form as keys. They can also be transformed back into key form with ease, meaning your can easily carry a number of blades on any key ring.

Mirrormaster Feats

Master level feats are only available after level 10. You cannot multiclass master level feats.  
  • Mirror Image — At level 10, you gain access to the spell Mirror Image, except the copies are physical, albeit with a single hit point. Roll a 1d20 to determine the number of copies you can create. The maximum number is equal to your level. If you roll over your level, it returns to the maximum (so if level 10, and you roll 15, 10 are still created). Unlike the traditional Mirror Image spell, a creature is still affected by this spell if it can't see and if it relies on Senses other than sight, such as Blindsight. However, those with Truesight can still perceive the real you. Each copy rolls a new initiative after being created, and each appears originally with 10 feet of you.
  • Crystal Ice Mirrors — At level 12, you gain access to the mirror dimension, accessible through any mirror. As an action (or taking 5 minutes, each once per long rest) you can create and place 1d6 crystal mirrors within 30 feet of your current position. You can enter these mirrors at any point or swap between them as part of your movement during your turn (regardless of how far apart they are, moving between each is equivalent to moving 10 feet). You cannot move between them as a reaction, and if one is destroyed while you are in it, you take full damage and must swap to one of the other mirrors. Exiting a mirror costs an extra 10 feet of movement, and you cannot attack while in a mirror. While inside the mirror you are immune to environmental effects, as they cannot penetrate the barrier. The mirrors last 1d8 rounds or until they are destroyed (each having 10 hit points essentially).
  • Mirror Move — At level 14, summoning a crystal mirror briefly as a reaction allows you to reflect almost any non-physical targeted attack on yourself, once per long rest. Your crystal mirror has hit points equal to 1d100, and if the damage goes over that amount, the mirror breaks and you take full damage. Reflected attacks deal the same damage as the original.
  • Through the Looking Glass — At level 16, you can summon two crystal mirrors which act as portals that anyone (or anything can access, once per long rest. Each summoning costs one action, and they are not functional until both are placed. You must place each within 10 feet of your current position. These mirrors exist for five rounds, with anything that goes through one coming out the other (magic, weapons, allies, foes, etc.).
  • Mirror, Mirror on the Wall — At level 18, you can trap an entity that is half your level (or lower) in any mirror of your choice. As you attempt to do so, the entity can make a dexterity saving throw to avoid being captured. If they roll above your level, they escape. If they roll below, they are trapped until voluntarily removed by your character. Only one entity can be trapped in one mirror at a time. If that mirror is broken, the entity dies.
  • Mirror Universe — At level 20, your character gains the ability to view other time streams through mirrors. Once per week, you can use material from an entity to pull an alternate reality version of that entity from another timeline. It takes six hours to perform this task. You can roll 1d100 to determine the type of universe the individual comes from (see below), and you can use a random character generator to generate the class, species, gender, alignment, etc. of said entity. The DM ultimately controls the character and has final say over how they function in the story. Note that, presumably, two rolls of the same number for the 1d100 mean that the two entities come from the same timeline. Further, if an entity of that version does not exist in the rolled universe, the transportation will fail. Individuals summoned with typically only be able to hold their form in the current universe for 24 hours, unless the individual who summoned them has concentration to focus on keeping them in the current realm.
  The "Mirror Universe" options are as follows when a 1d100 is rolled (each of these is up to the DM's interpretation):
  • 1 — Possible future of current timeline, positive outcome.
  • 2 — Planet of scientific heroes, who use science instead of magic (despite the fact that fact exists).
  • 3 — Toon versions of characters.
  • 4 — Universe without magic, medieval world technology-wise.
  • 5 — Musical universe where everyone sings and dances.
  • 6 — Unified peaceful technological planet.
  • 7 — Punk-rock inspired world.
  • 8 — Vampire planet, after the vampire pharoah has declared war on all mortals.
  • 9 — Planet covered in hellfire, most mortal entities have been destroyed in the apocalypse.
  • 10 — People's revolution is successful, the Empire is replaced by a democratic republic.
  • 11 — World reminescent of antiquity, Empire still exists but uses older technology.
  • 12 — World where time moves slightly slower.
  • 13 — The Empire is still in power, never cumbled.
  • 14 — Alignments of gods are switched.
  • 15 — All mortal entities have been assimilated by the Hive.
  • 16 — Possible future of current timeline, negative outcome.
  • 17 — World where time moves slightly faster.
  • 18 — Zombie world, where all mortal entities have been exposed to a supernatural virus.
  • 19 — Mutagen has caused surface dwellers to mutate into monstrous forms.
  • 20 — Possible future of current timeline, neutral outcome.
  • 21 — Planet where technological augmentations have become the norm.
  • 22 — Planet ruled by sentient robots.
  • 23 — World ruled by demigods under an iron fist.
  • 24 — World where magic users are hunted down and killed.
  • 25 — Parallel universe to current timeline where a small event deviated.
  • 26 — World where our heroes were transported 200 years into the past, and lived out their adventures then.
  • 27 — World ruled by lycanthropes (werewolves).
  • 28 — World of sentient dinosaurs.
  • 29 — World of cowboys, in the style of westerns.
  • 30 — World where our heroes were transported 200 years into the future, and lived out their adventures then.
  • 31 — World where everyone is born with innate magical abilities.
  • 32 — World of futuristic cowboys.
  • 33 — World ruled by huge monsters like kaiju.
  • 34 — World has entirely flooded.
  • 35 — World has entirely frozen over.
  • 36 — Gravity is much lower.
  • 37 — Gravity is much higher.
  • 38 — World where the current heroes were never born.
  • 39 — World where the current heroes never met.
  • 40 — Entire world is a huge desert.
  • 41 — World where the current heroes were killed.
  • 42 — World where the current heroes settled down, and never adventured.
  • 43 — World ruled by an extremely powerful wizard.
  • 44 — World with larger monsters.
  • 45 — World without monsters.
  • 46 — Anime versions of characters.
  • 47 — Noir versions of characters.
  • 48 — Junk planet.
  • 49 — Huge earthquake split the planet in half.
  • 50 — All sentient species have gone extinct, world is covered in dense foliage.
  • 51 — Time flows in reverse, so individuals age backwards.
  • 52 — World where our heroes were transported 10,000 years into the future, and lived out their adventures then.
  • 53 — World where our heroes were transported 10,000 years into the past, and lived out their adventures then.
  • 54 — Most animal and planet life has gone extinct, world is covered in trash.
  • 55 — Universe constructed of antimatter.
  • 56 — Universe where everything is backwards.
  • 57 — Victorian-style world.
  • 58 — Coffee shop-type dating simulation world.
  • 59 — World has been converted into a giant prison.
  • 60 — World where the main characters are college roommates.
  • 61 — World where the main characters are demigods.
  • 62 — World where the main characters are in a K-pop band.
  • 63 — World where the spirit realm and the mortal realm have collided and fused.
  • 64 — Cyberpunk world.
  • 65 — World where the main characters were left on a deserted island.
  • 66 — World where the main characters are pizza delivery people.
  • 67 — World where the main characters are dog walkers.
  • 68 — World reminiscent of Germanic fairy tales.
  • 69 — The characters' adventures take place in a book.
  • 70 — The characters are part of a Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
  • 71 — World is ruled by dragons.
  • 72 — World war between magic and science.
  • 73 — World where superheroes and supervillains are commonplace.
  • 73 — World where the main characters work at a flower shop.
  • 74 — World where secret societies flourish and control world events.
  • 75 — World where a portal from another dimension opened up and consumed the entire planet.
  • 76 — World where haunted houses are the norm.
  • 77 — World where it is All Hallows' Eve every day.
  • 78 — World where it is Yuletide every day.
  • 79 — World where mortals killed all gods.
  • 80 — World where the main characters all work in a hospital.
  • 81 — World covered in enormous labyrinth.
  • 82 — World where everyone fights in tournaments to the death to appease the rich.
  • 83 — World where crime syndicates control everything.
  • 84 — World where the main characters are film characters.
  • 85 — World where monsters can be tamed and pitted against one another in battles.
  • 86 — World where the main characters work at a radio station.
  • 87 — World where the main characters are cursed to reincarnate again and again after death.
  • 88 — World where the main characters are in a heavy metal band.
  • 89 — World where everyone can see the weave that binds the fates of entities, meaning they know their own fates since birth.
  • 90 — Steampunk world.
  • 91 — Post-scarcity world focused on exploration and discovery.
  • 92 — World where disputes are settled via street racing.
  • 93 — World where everyone can read minds.
  • 94 — World where the characters are toys.
  • 95 — World where vigilante justice is the norm.
  • 96 — World where sentient beings have voluntarily entered themselves into an AI while in cryostasis.
  • 97 — World where the main characters are Olympic athletes.
  • 98 — Carnival world.
  • 99 — World where the main characters work in a white-collar office setting.
  • 100 — The player rolling can pick one of the above, or decide upon their own type of universe (with the DM's consent).


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