Zahariel Loken Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Zahariel Loken

Centurion Zahariel Loken

The Half-Orc Zealot Barbarian, Asus' Chosen

  The occasional member of the Wererat Investigation Bureau.  

Pre Bureau

Zaharial was a Half-Orc Leutentaint to the Gritia Army. Despite being an outcast for his lineage he was a proven fighter for his unit. Born in Thas to the East of Zalcaster Zaharial was never told of his father but the beliefs of Asus were taught to him constantly engraving a Zealot-like belief in the half-orc. This belief leads him to join the Gritirain Dynasty's army working his way through the ranks. He made a name for himself when he took on an entire rebel squad seemingly dying in the progress but being brought back by the god Asus. Until one day the Advisor to the king of Zalcaster framed Zaharial for practising the art of Necromancy, forcing him to flee the region.   While on a ship bound for Crogra the vessel is attacked by a mysterious large entity stranding zaharial at sea as the lone survivor. Eventually, he was discovered by the Wererat Investigation Bureau while they were aboard the Happy Pillager.  

Joining the Bureau

  Joining the group Zaharial made his way to Feakrith where Gritia Assassins attempted to murder him, dying once again Zaharial was brought back by his god but apprehended by the Feakrith guard when his accusations of necromancy came to light.   When the Devils began to overrun the city of Feakrith in 660DH a group of independent Demons decided to try and use this to overtake the Feakrith castle. Zaharial, noticing this, used his raw strength to break out of the prison cell. Battling his way through the lesser hoards of demons he was able to make his way to the main throne room. Where he assisted the Archmage Rulf Mistpitter and the knights of the room battle large numbers of demons (Barlgura). But as the battle progressed a very powerful demon known as a Sibriex appears in the courtroom. The battle almost would have been the end of Zaharial and Rulf but the Queen of Feakrith (Eleanore Vanderbilt) was able to rush into the room last minute and display a level of magic far beyond Zaharials comprehension wiping out the demon and all of its acolytes. She then ordered Zaharial and Rulf to go to the castle's cleric for medical treatment while she had to deal with a Devil attack in her city.   Eventually convincing the Queen of Feakrith of his innocence she gave him a task to diffuse an incident that could start a potential war, where some of his old squadmates had invaded a neutral settlement She explained that the King had acquired a new advisor Victor Crawford (the one who set up Zaharial) and this advisor was manipulating the king like a puppet. She offered Zahrail a position on a neutral team to travel to the United Republic of Migeia and stop his former comrades.   Zaharial met a team of 3 other members a male Tabaxi Monk named “Speed of Wind” a Male Human Wizard Louie Thenn and a Female Hill Dwarf Ranger Darefroutelyn Hardcoat. They proceeded to set off to the republic of Migia. 7 Days Later they arrive at Avetown, the last stop off village before entering the Marshlands after being delayed by a day and having to fight Fire Giants.   While in Avetown the group noted that there were doppelgangers quite a few of them manage to remain mostly undercover the party reported the findings of a Doppelganger force growing in Avetown to the queen of Feakrith.   The Party then Spent 14 days tracking through the swampy marshlands but they are ambushed by tribal lizardfolk Darefroutelyn the parties ranger is killed in this encounter which shocks the rest of the party as the lizardfolk usually aren't so hostile to those travelling. The rest of the party flees from the fight, and it takes them 2 days to get to the small Village of Wet in the centre of the marshlands.   While in the Village of Wet the Group takes a day to mourn the loss of their ranger they find out that the reason the Lizardfolk are riled up: is a Tiefling had stolen something from the Ancient black dragon's Lair which had caused it to awaken from its slumber. Forcing the lizardfolk to now serve the dragon.   The Party journeyed on Crossing into the Oxonford Region taking them 28 hellish days to arrive in the first Town they have seen in a while, the town of Cendriane. Without their ranger, they had to learn how to survey the land and travel by themselves.   The wizard of the party Louie Thenn reveals to the group that he is actually an Aasimar while they rest in the local tavern where they Purchase horses to make the journey quicker.   It takes the party 10 days to get to the next dock town Hedos, fighting off rouge creatures that have wandered from Glummingthrone   While in the Dock town Louie the Group Wizard is taken by the Ilioss Clergy Neither Zaharial or Speed were a match for them and were powerless to stop them. Zaharial was beaten in battle by an Ilioss clergy red Dragonborn Barbarian who proved to be stronger. Highlighting Zaharail that he had to get stronger. He decided that having to press on the need to stop a war of the realms was far more pressing than trying to fight an enemy they did not possess the means to defeat.   The remaining two members of the party took 2 days to recover from their injuries then it took them 10 days to get into the Migeia republic   While making their way to the desired destination they came across an Orc slave encampment. This is the first time Zaharial had ever seen a full-blooded Orc and how cruel they could be. He and Speed decided to help free the slaves and spent the next 4 days Freeing them.   Speed the monk is killed in a surprise Orc ambush as retaliation for them setting the slaves free. Zaharial in a fit of pure rage defeats all the orcs but is now left as the last survivor of this mission. He carries himself on further   After 7 days he reached a crossroad to his right the Mission he had been set, but after all the things he had seen he needed one more stop off. He decides to take a 3-day detour before, to see his mother who currently is living in Thas.   While in Thas he met again with the Wererat Investigation Bureau who informed him that Nor'oken a powerful Leviathan was on its way to destroy the settlement. With his allies, they are able to defeat the great beast but the damage to Thas was immense,   Leaving the bureau once more to try and resolve the conflict with his former unit. He convinces his unit to return to Zalcaster as the advisor had ill intentions, prom rising them that he would join them shortly.   While getting his mother to a safe location he is convinced to join the Wererat Investigation Bureau for a party, though this resulted in Meldarion sending him to the Feywild by mistake.   Zaharail spent months wondering the Feywild, Trying to instil order into the chaotic lands Eventually this brought him at odds with the Winter Queen. Titania the Summer Queen made a request to the High Elf Wizard Khilseith Quineiros to take Zaharial back home before he caused even more trouble. Khilseith Quineiros was able to transport Zaharial to the final push battlefront where despite not remembering anything that had transpired in the Fey he helped the Wererat Investigation Bureau take down Malon Bagsher

Post the Final Push

  With the battle over Zaharial found out that Gritia the once mighty empire had fallen to the darkness of the undead. Stricken with grief that he was not there for his city he made his way back to Zalcaster vowing that he would vanquish every undead from his former home no matter how long it would take.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A hulking 7ft Half-Orc, Covered in scars and wearing an imperial black soldier's uniform.

Facial Features

Large Scar Across his face

Identifying Characteristics

His greyish orc skin.

Special abilities

Literally too angry to die

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

The law must be obeyed the innocent must be protected  the Evil must be punished


Necromancy Cold Blooded Murder

Personality Characteristics


To prove his innocence and remove injustice from he land.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes fellow warriors Hates Necromancy

Vices & Personality flaws

Cognitive dissidence to anything that's stats there is more gods than Asus  will throw himself into a deadly battle without hesitation

Personality Quirks

Refuses to believe there are more gods than Asus even if Asus tells him there are more gods.


Contacts & Relations

Owns a temple to Asus in Migeia
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Current Status
To liberate Gritia from the Undead
Current Location
Date of Death
When ever he decideds to stop raging
Circumstances of Birth
Child of a Orc Raid
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"By Asus!" "Heresy!"  "There is only one god... he just takes many forms"
Asus, God of Law
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common Orc


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