Xander's Travelling Troupe of Terrifying Tales Organization in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Xander's Travelling Troupe of Terrifying Tales

Xander's Travelling Troupe of Terrifying Tales is a mesmerizing assembly of performers, led by the enchanting half-elf bard Xander. Bernad, the audacious halfling acrobat, defies gravity with thrilling stunts, while Evelyn, the enigmatic human beastkeeper, commands wild creatures to create a mystical spectacle. Adding a touch of chaotic humor is Thrash, the half-orc clown, whose comedic routines, though injurious, leave audiences in stitches. This diverse troupe, bound by a shared love for legends, weaves captivating stories that blur the lines between reality and fantasy, captivating spectators with a magical experience that lingers in the imagination long after the curtains fall.


Xander - Ringmaster - Half elf bard. First met Dharkon when his troupe stopped near Feakrith. They bonded over their love of legends and fairy tales. He offered Dharkon a job as a performer and taught him to sing.   Bernad - halfling acrobat - Bernad is a thrillseeker who trusts his luck to carry him through his performances. Would often compete wirh Dharkon over who could peeform the most dangerous stunts.   Evelyn - Human beastkeeper- keeps a tiger companion. Trains beasts and monsters to be displayed or fought by the stuntmen. Dharkon views her as a role model and trusts her judgement.   Thrash - Half orc clown - A performer who loves bizzare comedy. He always gets injured during his routines but his wounds are gone after the show. Dharkon thinks he's a cleric but never figured out who his god is, or caught him in the act.


Xander's Travelling Troupe of Terrifying Tales embraces a culture of creativity, camaraderie, and shared passion for storytelling. Led by Xander, the ringmaster, the members find unity in their love for legends and fairy tales. Each performer brings a unique flair to the troupe—Bernad's thrill-seeking acrobatics, Evelyn's mystical connection with beasts, and Thrash's whimsical, if somewhat hazardous, humor. Their shared experiences on the road foster a tight-knit community, encouraging the exploration of fantastical narratives. While each member has a distinct role, there's a collective understanding that the magic of their performances arises from the synergy of their diverse talents, creating a culture where artistic expression thrives.

Public Agenda

Xander's Travelling Troupe of Terrifying Tales seeks to captivate and enchant audiences through their fantastical performances. Their public agenda revolves around sharing the magic of storytelling, whether through awe-inspiring acrobatics, mesmerizing beast shows, or whimsical clown routines. Beyond mere entertainment, they aim to kindle a sense of wonder and transport spectators into the realms of myth and legend. With a dedication to quality and creativity, the troupe aspires to leave a lasting impact on the hearts and imaginations of those who experience their shows.


Xander's Travelling Troupe of Terrifying Tales possesses a diverse set of assets crucial for their enchanting performances. These include elaborate and portable stage setups that can be adapted to various venues, a collection of well-trained and exotic beasts under Evelyn's care, specialized equipment for Bernad's acrobatic displays, and a vibrant wardrobe of costumes and props. Additionally, their extensive network of contacts and fans built over years of touring provides them with access to prime locations and ensures a steady stream of attendees. The real treasure, however, lies in the collective talent and charisma of the troupe members, each contributing a unique skill that adds to the overall enchantment of their shows.
Founding Date
Entertainment, Troupe
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