Victor Ernest Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Victor Ernest

Prince Victor Percival Sablethorne- Ernest (a.k.a. Victor Ernest)

"I dream of a land where no matter your race or origin; you can thrive and you are welcome."    In the annals of history, Victor Ernest emerges as a visionary whose legacy transcends the passage of a millennium. Born into a world marred by racial strife and animosity, Victor's journey was catalyzed by a personal tragedy that ignited the flames of change. A millennia ago, Victor's heart found solace in the love he shared with a non-human companion, a bond that defied the societal norms of the time. However, this tale of love took a tragic turn when his beloved was ruthlessly assassinated, a victim of the prejudice that permeated his own royal family.   Fuelled by grief and a profound sense of injustice, Victor Ernest embarked on a monumental quest. He envisioned a city where the echoes of hatred would be drowned by the harmonious symphony of diverse races living side by side. Thus, Feakrith was born—a testament to the audacious dream of unity.   Victor's charisma and leadership qualities were the mortar that bound the city together. He defied conventions, rallying against discrimination and fostering an environment where every race, regardless of lineage, found a place to call home. His commitment to equality transformed Feakrith into a beacon of hope, attracting settlers from far and wide who sought refuge from the shackles of prejudice.   However, the legacy of Victor Ernest is not just etched in the city's foundations; it resides in the hearts of those who still benefit from his vision. His sacrifice, borne from personal loss, sowed the seeds of a society where diversity is not just tolerated but celebrated. A millennium later, Feakrith stands as a living testament to the enduring power of one man's dream to reshape the world. Victor Ernest, the architect of unity, remains an immortal figure, a symbol of love that triumphed over hatred and the visionary force that birthed a city where races intertwine in a dance of harmony.
Long salt and pepper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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