Obscurant Children Organization in Ealathra | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Obscurant Children

Everything begins from darkness and it will end in darkness. And when that time comes the void shall great all

Public Agenda

To drown out all light.


One of the Primordial gods, Emos  is the embodiment of all things dark, and its touch released the undead onto Ealthra

Mythology & Lore

In the echoing void predating creation, Emos, the God of Darkness, coexisted with his sister Artia, goddess of light. But with the spark of life, envy consumed Emos as he saw his power usurped. Twisting life with darkness, he became a harbinger of destruction, sealed away by deities fearing his corrupting influence. Now, whispers of Emos return, his followers fueled by his hate, wielding lichdom and darkness against Artia's creation. The battle between gods echoes across the world, light and dark clashing as fate hangs in the balance.

Divine Origins

Before the first star dared to ignite, before the void knew the caress of dawn, Emos, the Primordial Shadow, and Artia, the Starry Weaver, danced an ageless waltz amidst the cosmic dust. Their laughter echoed through the emptiness, a melody of creation and destruction, existing in perfect, terrifying harmony. Yet, when the first spark of life flickered to existence, a discordant note shattered the cosmic symphony.   Artia, her heart ablaze with wonder, embraced the nascent flame, nurturing it with her radiant light. But Emos, his obsidian soul consumed by an envy as vast as the void itself, saw in life only a usurper, a thief of his sister's love. His rage, a supernova in the night, scorched the nascent cosmos. He twisted creation, birthing monstrosities of darkness to consume the fragile spark.   The other gods, entities born from the living faith, trembled. They saw in Emos the reflection of their own darkest fears – the fear of oblivion, of being forgotten. United, they channeled the collective will of existence, weaving a prison of starlight and faith. With a roar that shook the foundations of reality, they banished Emos, his screams echoing through the aeons as he was cast into the Abyss, a realm of eternal darkness beyond even the reach of Artia's light.   Thus began the eternal war between light and shadow. Emos, the Unchained One, plots his return from the Abyss, his whispers like tendrils of darkness reaching for the world Artia nurtures. And so, the stage is set for a cosmic clash, a battle for the very soul of creation, where the echoes of a forgotten harmony will clash with the fury of a jealous god's vengeance.

Cosmological Views

Gods are beings of unimaginable energy that lat themselves to the beliefs of mortals. The faith of mortals provides a deity with not only power but the purpose. Gods can have many forms and they change them frequently. Once they have attached themself to a domain that enough mortals believe in they assume their role. For example, the divine entities might assume their place in the domain of fine cooking and win now any faith within the psychical planes tied to that domain fuels that god. Any being of raw power that does not assume godhood runs the risk of being consumed by other more powerful beings or dissipating back into raw unintelligent energy.   Emos and Artia are considered the originals- being of raw power that attached themselves to ideals and belives.

Tenets of Faith

Core Tenets:  
  • Embrace the primordial darkness: As the embodiment of pre-creation darkness, Emos' followers likely believe in the inherent power and value of darkness, seeing it as a fundamental aspect of existence. This could involve rejecting the perceived artificiality of light and creation, embracing the natural chaos and raw potential within darkness.
  • Seek power through negative emotions: Since Emos feeds on hatred, envy, and doubt, his tenets might encourage cultivating and channeling these emotions for personal empowerment. This could involve practices like stoking resentment, reveling in the suffering of others, or exploiting vulnerabilities.
  • Defy the cycle of creation and life: Artia, the goddess of light, embodies creation and life. Emos' followers might oppose these concepts, viewing them as limitations or weaknesses. Their tenets could encourage defying the natural order, embracing death and destruction, or even seeking immortality through twisted means like lichdom.


Extended Rules:
  • Seek Power Through Darkness: Cultivate negative emotions like envy, hatred, and doubt to empower yourself and spread Emos' influence. This could involve acts of manipulation, sowing discord, or exploiting vulnerabilities.
  • Defy the System: Reject established social norms and structures, viewing them as tools of Artia's light. Embrace chaos and rebellion, challenging authority and disrupting order wherever possible.
  • Embrace Personal Gain: Prioritize your own desires and ambitions above all else. Cooperation might be used strategically, but ultimate loyalty lies with yourself and furthering Emos' agenda.
  • Secrecy and Deception: Operate in the shadows, manipulating emotions and spreading doubt through whispers and hidden rituals. Open displays of faith could attract unwanted attention.
  Interpretations and Daily Life:
  • Violence and conflict: Viewed as tools for power and furthering Emos' will, but not necessarily glorified. Calculated cruelty is accepted, but pointless bloodshed might be discouraged.
  • Self-sacrifice: Seen as weakness unless it directly serves Emos' goals. Martyrdom for the faith would be rare, replaced by cunning self-preservation.
  • Compassion and empathy: Viewed as weaknesses associated with Artia's light. Kindness might be used tactically for manipulation, but genuine empathy would be shunned.
  • Pleasure and indulgence: Not inherently sinful, but seen as tools for power and self-gratification. Excess could be discouraged if it hinders achieving goals.
  • Death and the afterlife: Not necessarily feared, but viewed as a potential transition to a state closer to Emos' domain. Lichdom might be revered as a defiance of Artia's creation.
  Sins and Pious Acts:
  • Sins: Showing unwavering faith in Artia, submitting to established powers, prioritizing others over oneself, displaying genuine compassion, expressing fear of death.
  • Pious Acts: Successfully manipulating others to further Emos' agenda, sowing discord and chaos, acquiring power through dark rituals, defying authority, embracing personal ambition.


Everyday Practices:

  • Inner Reflection: Cultivating negative emotions like envy, resentment, and hatred through introspection and rumination on perceived injustices or personal failures. This fuels their connection to Emos and strengthens their resolve.
  • Acts of Subtle Manipulation: Sowing discord through gossip, exploiting vulnerabilities, and spreading doubt within their communities. This weakens Artia's influence and advances Emos' agenda.
  • Personal Power Cultivation: Training in stealth, deception, and manipulating emotions. This could involve honing their charisma, learning dark magic, or mastering the art of psychological manipulation.
  • Symbolic Gestures: Wearing specific tattoos, amulets, or clothing adorned with Emos' sigils to express devotion and subtly spread his influence. These symbols might hold hidden meanings or be used to focus their emotions during rituals.

Regular Rituals:

  • Shadow Meditations: Gathering under the cover of darkness to focus their collective will, channeling negative emotions to empower themselves and weaken Artia's light. These rituals could involve chanting, sacrifices (symbolic or literal), and symbolic acts of defiance against established order.
  • Forbidden Knowledge Seekings: Studying ancient texts, performing forbidden rituals, or communing with spirits tied to darkness to gain power and hidden truths. This comes with risks, as such knowledge can corrupt and attract unwanted attention.
  • Acts of Defiance: Participating in protests, riots, or acts of sabotage against authorities or symbols of Artia's light. These acts serve a dual purpose: expressing their faith and weakening the opposition.
  • Celebrations of Darkness: Holding masked gatherings under eclipses or new moons, indulging in forbidden pleasures, and celebrating acts of chaos and destruction. These celebrations reaffirm their faith and provide a sense of community.


  • The Night of Broken Stars: An annual ritual commemorating the sealing of Emos, where followers reenact the battle and reaffirm their commitment to his eventual return.
  • The Whispering Ritual: A rite of passage for new initiates, where they confront their deepest fears and channel their negativity into a vow of loyalty to Emos.
  • The Offering of Shadows: A sacrifice made during times of desperation or conflict, where followers offer something precious (material or emotional) to appease Emos and gain his favor.


Prophets of Darkness: Individuals touched by Emos, claiming visions or prophetic dreams guiding his will. They might exhibit unusual powers, charisma, or knowledge of forbidden lore. Appointment could be spontaneous, chosen by Emos through signs or trials, or recognized by existing leaders. Distinction could come through physical markings, unique abilities, or an unmistakable aura of darkness.   Hidden Order: A secretive network of initiates devoted to spreading Emos' influence subtly. Appointment could be based on rigorous tests, lineage, or specific skills valuable to the cause. Distinction might be invisible to outsiders, known only through cryptic symbols, shared knowledge, or coordinated actions.

Granted Divine Powers

  • Enhanced Persuasion: They possess an unnatural magnetism, weaving whispers and manipulating emotions to bend others to their will. This could manifest as uncanny charisma, unsettling empathy that allows them to exploit vulnerabilities, or even mind control fueled by negative emotions.
  • Umbramancy: Priests can command shadows, teleport through darkness, and create illusions fueled by fear and doubt. This could involve summoning shadowy tendrils, cloaking themselves in darkness, or creating phantoms that prey on people's anxieties.
  • Corruption: They can inflict a touch of Emos' darkness, twisting emotions and warping minds. This could manifest as inflicting doubt, fear, or despair, corrupting individuals into servants of Emos, or even unleashing physical mutations fueled by negativity.
  • Forbidden Knowledge: Through rituals and sacrifices, they gain access to hidden lore and forbidden magic, including necromancy or tapping into the power of ancient evils. This knowledge comes at a cost, potentially warping their bodies and minds as they delve deeper into darkness.
  • Minor Darkness Manipulation: Devout followers might gain the ability to create small pockets of darkness, extinguish light sources, or resist its effects. This could be used for practical purposes like creating cover or escaping pursuit, or as a subtle display of their allegiance.
  • Enhanced Emotional Perception: They develop an uncanny ability to sense and even feed off negative emotions in others. This could allow them to identify potential allies or manipulate those vulnerable to despair and anger.
  • Resilience to Darkness: Faith acts as a shield against the corrupting influence of Emos, allowing them to resist madness or possession more easily than others. However, this resilience can be worn down by prolonged exposure or acts of extreme cruelty.
  • Ritualistic Empowerment: Through participation in rituals and offerings, the faithful can gain temporary boosts in strength, speed, or other physical abilities. However, these boons often come at a cost, draining their life force or requiring sacrifices to appease Emos.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Emos' religion, built on darkness, power, and rebellion, would have a significant and complex impact on the political fabric of any organization it permeated. Here are some potential consequences: Increased Secrecy and Mistrust:   The emphasis on hidden agendas and manipulation would foster a culture of secrecy and distrust within the organization. Leaders might become paranoid, suspecting everyone of harboring hidden loyalties. Open communication and collaboration would be hindered, replaced by whispers and veiled threats. Power Struggles and Factions:   The focus on personal ambition and defying authority would likely lead to internal power struggles. Different factions within the organization could vie for control, manipulating emotions and exploiting vulnerabilities to further their own agendas. This could destabilize leadership and hinder effective decision-making. Erosion of Established Structures:   The rejection of order and established systems would lead to a gradual erosion of existing power structures. Laws and traditions might be disregarded or twisted to serve the faith's goals. This could create chaos and uncertainty, leaving citizens vulnerable to exploitation and manipulation. Rise of Populist Leaders:   Charismatic individuals who can effectively tap into and manipulate negative emotions like anger and resentment could rise to power. These leaders might promise radical change and exploit existing inequalities to rally support, potentially leading to oppressive regimes fueled by fear and division. Potential for Open Conflict:   If the faith gains enough influence, it could lead to open conflict with the established political power structure. Acts of sabotage, manipulation of public opinion, and even violent uprisings might be used to overthrow those deemed opposed to Emos' will.


Main Dogma: The Shadow Weavers: The "mainstream" faithful, focused on manipulating emotions, sowing discord, and weakening Artia's influence subtly. They value secrecy, cunning, and long-term strategies.   Dissenting Factions:
  • The Broken Star Legion: Militant extremists who believe direct conflict is the key to breaking Emos' chains. They prioritize brute force, open rebellion, and sacrificing themselves in glorious battles against Artia's champions. Seen as reckless and dangerous by the mainstream.
  • The Whispering Ones: Mystics who delve into forbidden knowledge and commune with dark entities. They seek ultimate power and hidden truths, even if it risks madness or corruption. Viewed with suspicion and fear by most, some see them as valuable sources of forbidden knowledge.
  • The Ashen Ones: Ascetics who embrace pain and self-denial, believing suffering strengthens their connection to Emos. They practice self-mutilation, rituals of endurance, and isolation. Shunned by many, some revere them for their unwavering devotion.
  • The Cult of the Eclipse: Opportunists who exploit natural disasters and moments of despair to spread chaos and weaken Artia's hold. They are cunning manipulators but lack a clear long-term goal, making them unpredictable allies and dangerous enemies.

One with the Shadows

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Abyssal King
Notable Members


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