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Small mountin town south of Feakrith


Marare is home to a diverse population of miners, artisans, and traders, with a significant presence of dwarves drawn to the town's mining opportunities. Other races, including humans, elves, and gnomes, also call Marare home, contributing to its rich tapestry of cultures and traditions. Dwarves form the majority of Marare's population, drawn by the promise of valuable ore deposits nestled within the nearby mountains. However, other races also reside in the town, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation among its inhabitants.


The governance of Marare is overseen by a council of elders, comprising representatives from the town's various racial and occupational groups. This council ensures the fair allocation of mining resources and oversees local affairs to maintain order and prosperity.


While Marare lacks significant defensive structures, the rugged terrain of the surrounding mountains provides a natural barrier against external threats. The town's inhabitants are known for their resilience and resourcefulness, able to fend off occasional attacks by hostile creatures or bandits.

Industry & Trade

Mining forms the backbone of Marare's economy, with skilled miners extracting valuable ores such as iron, copper, and silver from the rich veins crisscrossing the mountainsides. These raw materials are then processed and traded with Feakrith and other nearby settlements, contributing to the region's prosperity.


Marare's infrastructure revolves around its mining operations, with a network of tunnels and shafts extending deep into the mountainsides to extract precious ores. The town also boasts rudimentary housing, market stalls, and blacksmith shops catering to the needs of its residents.


Marare's primary asset lies in its mineral wealth, with abundant ore deposits supporting the town's economy and providing valuable resources for trade with neighboring settlements. Despite its modest size, Marare plays a vital role in Feakrith's industrial supply chain, contributing to the kingdom's economic stability.

Guilds and Factions

Marare is home to various mining guilds and labor unions, representing the interests of its workforce and advocating for fair wages and working conditions. These organizations play a crucial role in maintaining harmony within the mining community and negotiating with outside buyers.

Points of interest

Notable landmarks in Marare include the entrance to the town's extensive network of mines, where skilled miners toil tirelessly to extract valuable ores from the earth. The local blacksmith's forge is also a popular attraction, producing finely crafted weapons and armor coveted by adventurers and traders alike.


While not a typical tourist destination, Marare attracts visitors interested in exploring its rugged mountain terrain and learning about the intricacies of mining operations. Guided tours of the town's mines offer a glimpse into the perilous yet lucrative world of underground mining.


Marare's architecture reflects its utilitarian nature, with sturdy stone buildings and wooden structures designed to withstand the rigors of mountain living. The town's layout is practical and functional, with an emphasis on efficiency rather than aesthetics.


Situated amidst the rocky slopes of the Feakrith Mountains, Marare experiences a cool, temperate climate characterized by mild summers and cold winters. The surrounding landscape is dominated by craggy peaks and dense forests, providing ample opportunities for outdoor exploration and adventure.
Founding Date


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