Fire plane Geographic Location in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Fire plane


The Fire Plane, a realm of perpetual heat and simmering chaos, defies conventional geographic features. Here, landmasses shift and flow like molten rock, mountains erupt into geysers of flames, and rivers burn with incandescent fury. Here's a glimpse into its unique landscape:  

Volcanic Islands:

  • Cinder Fields: Vast plains of cooled volcanic ash stretch under skies choked with smoke and cinders, offering precarious footing and hiding smoldering dangers.
  • Molten Rivers: Rivers of flowing lava carve fiery paths through the landscape, illuminating the night with an infernal glow and posing a formidable barrier to traverse.
  • Scorched Cliffs: Jagged cliffs of solidified lava rise from the ash plains, offering perilous vantage points and potentially concealing hidden caves or fumaroles.

Ever-Shifting Mountains:

  • Active Volcanoes: Towering mountains spew fire and ash, their slopes constantly reshaping due to eruptions and tremors. Lava flows cascade down, creating treacherous paths and fiery waterfalls.
  • Obsidian Spires: Black, glassy spires pierce the sky, remnants of past eruptions, sometimes harboring pockets of trapped fire magic or the lairs of fire elementals.
  • Cinder Cones: Smaller volcanic cones dot the landscape, offering temporary shelter or vantage points but constantly threatened by tremors and potential eruptions.

Infernal Waterways:

  • Fire Rivers: Rivers of liquid fire flow with unimaginable heat, serving as natural borders and offering perilous shortcuts for skilled navigators or fire-resistant creatures.
  • Sulphur Lakes: Pools of bubbling, pungent sulphur dot the landscape, emitting toxic fumes and potentially concealing valuable minerals or hidden entrances to subterranean realms.
  • Geothermal Springs: Pools of superheated water, infused with elemental fire, offer fleeting moments of respite or pose potentially devastating traps depending on their temperature and volatility.


Fire Plane Ecosystem: A Dance with the Flames The Fire Plane isn't a conventional ecosystem, lacking traditional food chains and relying instead on raw elemental energy. Yet, life thrives here in astonishing and unique ways:   Abiotic Drivers:   Fire: The ever-present force shapes everything. Eruptions, lava flows, and constant heat dictate temperature, terrain, and resource availability. Elemental Chaos: The plane itself is fluid, with landmasses shifting and volcanoes erupting unpredictably, forcing constant adaptation. Ashes and Cinders: These airborne particles provide nutrients for some fire-adapted flora and affect visibility, adding an element of risk. Unique Lifeforms:   Fire Elementals: Embodiments of the flame, they range from playful wisps to towering infernos, shaping the landscape and interacting with lesser creatures. Salamanders and Magma Worms: Creatures adapted to intense heat, they thrive in volcanic regions and feed on minerals or even elemental embers. Cinder Birds: Graceful avian creatures with feathers that shimmer like embers, they navigate the ash currents and feed on airborne cinders. Ashtrees: These resilient plants grow in infertile ash plains, converting heat and cinders into sustenance through unique alchemical processes. Ecological Interactions:   Symbiosis: Fire elementals might protect Ashtrees in exchange for nutrients, while Cinder Birds pollinate fire-resistant flowers. Competition: Magma Worms compete for mineral deposits near volcanoes, while Fire Elementals occasionally clash for dominance. Adaptation: All creatures possess fire resistance or the ability to manipulate flames in some way, reflecting the ever-present heat. Challenges and Opportunities:   Surviving the Heat: Creatures from other planes struggle to endure the constant heat, requiring special adaptations or magical protection. Unpredictable Landscape: Shifting landmasses and volcanic eruptions constantly reshape the terrain, offering challenges and potential hidden passages. Harnessing the Flames: Those attuned to fire magic can tap into the plane's energy, gaining temporary boons or forging powerful weapons.

Localized Phenomena

The Fire Plane, a realm of constant heat and flickering chaos, offers a plethora of fantastical phenomena beyond anything seen on the Material Plane. Here are some examples to ignite your imagination:   Natural Wonders:  
  • Living Flame Pillars: Towers of swirling fire dance across the landscape, fueled by ley lines and ancient magic. They mark hidden pathways, offer temporary sanctuaries, or erupt into fiery storms when tampered with.
  • Cinder Rainbows: After volcanic eruptions, iridescent clouds of ash and cinders form ethereal rainbows, granting temporary boons or glimpses into the future to those who reach them.
  • Whispering Geysers: These geysers emit not steam, but whispers of forgotten languages and secrets of the plane, enticing and warning those who listen closely.
  • Obsidian Mirrors: Polished obsidian formations reflect not just the physical world, but also fragmented visions of the past and future, offering cryptic clues and glimpses of hidden dangers.
  • Solidified Firefalls: Frozen in time, waterfalls of once-molten lava hang suspended, offering perilous pathways and shimmering beauty, with the potential to erupt kembali with seismic tremors.
  Unusual Weather Events:  
  • Firestorms of Emotions: In regions infused with the memories of powerful beings, intense emotions manifest as firestorms, forcing travelers to confront their own emotions to navigate safely.
  • Falling Star Showers: Meteors composed of solidified elemental fire streak across the sky, granting temporary fire resistance or even small fragments of their essence to those who catch them.
  • Echoes of Eruptions: Long-dormant volcanoes resonate with past eruptions, creating ghostly projections of fire and ash that dance across the landscape, offering historical glimpses or serving as spectral guardians.
  • Solar Flares of the Plane: Massive eruptions on the Fire Plane's sun bathe the landscape in blinding light and searing heat, forcing creatures to seek shelter or face fiery peril.
  • Living Cinderstorms: Swarms of burning cinders coalesce into sentient storms, intelligent and unpredictable, offering cryptic riddles or testing the mettle of those who cross their path.
  Supernatural Oddities:  
  • Burning Shrines: Ancient altars to fire deities erupt with spontaneous flames, granting boons or challenges to those who make offerings or answer riddles posed by fiery apparitions.
  • Talking Cinders: Tiny sentient cinders whisper prophecies or warnings to those who earn their trust, adding a layer of mystery and potential guidance to exploration.
  • Flame Oracles: Lava pools shimmer with prophetic visions, revealing glimpses of the future or hidden truths to those who gaze into their depths.
  • Elemental Echoes: Traces of powerful beings who perished on the plane leave imprints in the fire, allowing skilled mages to communicate with their echoes or harness their lingering power.
  • Volcanic Heart: The dormant heart of the plane itself, a colossal volcano rumored to contain unimaginable power and guarded by the most formidable fire elementals, awaits those brave enough to seek it.


The Fire Plane scorches under an ever-burning sun, its climate a relentless inferno. Blistering heat warps the air, while ash and cinders rain down, choking the sky and painting the landscape in hues of red and black. Volcanic eruptions unleash fiery storms, reshaping the terrain and spewing molten rivers across the plains. Even the nights offer no respite, the smoldering embers in the earth casting an eerie glow and reminding all that this realm is forever bathed in the unforgiving flames of its own existence.

Fauna & Flora

While the Fire Plane might seem devoid of traditional life, it thrives with unique flora and fauna adapted to the constant heat and ever-present flames. Here's a glimpse:  


  • Ashtrees: Resilient trees with bark like charred wood, converting heat and cinders into sustenance through unique alchemical processes. Their leaves shimmer with heat and offer limited shade.
  • Firemoss: Vibrant moss that thrives in volcanic regions, fueled by the heat and emitting a bioluminescent glow, illuminating caverns and offering a surprising source of light.
  • Cinder Flowers: Delicate blooms that sprout from volcanic ash, their petals shimmering like embers and containing potent fire-infused nectar.
  • Crystalflora: Heat-resistant plants imbued with elemental fire, growing into intricate formations of obsidian and glowing crystals, sometimes harboring valuable minerals.
  • Molten Vines: These hardy vines grow in areas of intense heat, their sap resembling molten metal and possessing unique properties for crafting or forging weapons.


  • Salamanders and Magma Worms: Creatures adapted to intense heat, they thrive in volcanic regions, burrowing through the earth and feeding on minerals or even elemental embers.
  • Cinder Birds: Graceful avian creatures with feathers that shimmer like embers, navigating the ash currents and feeding on airborne cinders or firemoss nectar.
  • Fire Elementals: Embodiments of the flames, they range from playful wisps to towering infernos, shaping the landscape, interacting with other creatures, and sometimes serving as guardians or guides.
  • Ash Sprites: Tiny, mischievous creatures formed from swirling cinders, flitting through the air and playing tricks on travelers, but occasionally offering cryptic clues or warnings.
  • Flaming Lions: Majestic predators with fiery manes and burning breath, inhabiting volcanic plains and fiercely protecting their territories.

Natural Resources

Elemental Resources:  
  • Ember Essence: Distilled from solidified flames or captured from fire elementals, this potent substance fuels magical rituals, enhances fire-based spells, and grants temporary resistance to heat.
  • Volcanic Glass: Obsidian, pumice, and other volcanic materials possess unique properties. Obsidian can be crafted into razor-sharp weapons, pumice used for lightweight and heat-resistant structures, while specific types might hold magical energies.
  • Cinder Ash: Rich in minerals and imbued with residual fire magic, this ash can be used as fertilizer for fire-resistant plants, crafted into heat-resistant bricks, or even serve as a base for creating magical potions or alchemical concoctions.
  • Elemental Gems: Rare gems infused with fire essence radiate heat and grant temporary boons like fire resistance, enhanced reflexes, or the ability to communicate with fire elementals.
  Unique Materials:  
  • Molten Metals: Flowing metal veins coursing beneath the earth's surface hold immense heat and can be shaped into weapons or armor with unique properties, offering incredible resilience but requiring special handling.
  • Living Flame: Captured in specially crafted containers, this essence allows for controlled use of fire magic, powering enchanted tools, lighting the way, or even serving as a bargaining chip with fire elementals.
  • Petrified Memories: Solidified remnants of powerful beings or catastrophic events, these stones hold whispers of the past and glimpses into the Plane's history. Deciphering them can reveal hidden pathways, forgotten secrets, or even powerful magic.
  • Cinders of Creation: Extremely rare cinders rumored to contain sparks of the Plane's original creation, granting limited reality-warping abilities or allowing temporary mastery over specific aspects of fire magic.
Plane of Existence


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