Fierna Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Lady of the Fourth Fierna

In name, Lady Fierna ruled Phlegethos, commanding the fiery layer from her palace of rock and magma. In truth, her father, Belial, was the power behind the throne.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fierna appeared to be an incredibly attractive young woman, a lithe, statuesque, 6 ft (1.8 m) seductress of stunning physique. Tall, dark and sensual, her garments were as royally fine as they were scantily clingy, furthering her image as a being of perversion and indecency.   Giving away her infernal heritage were the small pair of horns that emerged under her hairline, and even then the fiendish features somehow managed to enhance her enchanting appearance. Her red eyes shined and smoldered like fires were dancing within them and implicit promises of pleasure could be gleaned from her gaze.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After the disastrous results of the Reckoning, Belial decided to retreat from public view, elevating Fierna to the official ruler of the plane while continuing to run things from shadows. Though beneficial to him in several ways, both Moloch and Geryon having been removed, the return of the more experienced Levistus prevented him from conquering Stygia and his original assault force led by Gazra being utterly destroyed. Afterwards, for a time, he focused on politically besting the Frozen Prince, sinking further into obscurity while allowing Fierna to take a greater public role. Eventually his armies gained enough power that he became confident he could best both Levistus and the Hag Countess, until the sudden rise of Glasya, throwing all his plans to the wind by introducing a figure he couldn't attack, out of fear of provoking both Asmodeus and his daughter. The previously content Fierna began seeking independence, and soon Glasya's sway over Fierna seemed to have weathered down the partnership between father and daughter. Fierna began inquiring about the operations of Phlegethos, claiming only to desire the knowledge in the case of Belial's passing, something he believed, possibly rightly, would only happen at her hands. As Fierna grew bolder, Belial's confidence waned, and it seemed that the two would eventually have some confrontation involving either Belial's resurgence or Fierna's proper ascendance.   The degree to which Glasya's wedge-driving worked, however, was debatable, as Fierna and Belial eventually reached some unorthodox, familial understanding. Rather than one destroying the other, the two ruled Phlegethos in tandem, Fierna handling matters regarding mortal souls and Belial governing Phlegethos itself. Belial's cults had been small and Fierna was apathetic towards the "work" of being an archdevil, so their specialization allowed the former to reclaim his position as an official ruler while Fierna could put her interpersonal talents to use.   However, calling the two partners wasn't exactly accurate, for just as the two had reconciled as allies they had also become true rivals, showing a confusing combination of hatred and admiration for each other. The two were constantly trying to trap and undermine each other but Fierna's charismatic personality and persuasive power canceled out Belials' greater intellect and forward planning. Just as before, there were those that believed that their infighting could be used to overtake them, a partially true sentiment. But, any short-term benefit provided by their conflict wouldn't last, for a true threat to their rightful reign would prompt father and daughter to unite and defend their shared dominion

Personality Characteristics


Befitting an archdevil of fire, Fierna was well-known for her short fuse and volatile personality, her temper striking fear in almost any devil. Her rage escalated quickly, frustration leading to fury, which erupted, quite literally since she angrily moved about on fire when enraged, into bloodthirsty vengeance, oftentimes with little warning.Additionally, she was self-absorbed, sadistic, and just generally mercurial, flitting about like a lit flame between her various obsessions and displaying a "party girl" attitude   However, assuming Fierna was just a bratty beauty was a grave mistake, for both political schemers and would-be courtiers. Fierna was prodigiously brilliant in the art of emotional manipulation with charisma to match that of Asmodeus himself, lighting fires in the hearts of mortals and immortals alike that she could control like any other. Her explosive outbursts seemed chaotic and random, but she was a being of law, simply following a pattern that perhaps only she understood.   Though she saw being viewed as incompetent a useful ploy, she was no less adept at politics than other archdevils, but had no interest in taking part in the overcomplicated, governmental web. The black-hearted archdevil[4] had more hedonistic goals, desiring to use her position to indulge in luxurious comforts and lecherous pleasures while allowing others to actually administrate.[6] At least, this was her stance at one point, but later on she became more professionally-minded, still toying with lesser beings, but making efforts not to immediately discard them upon growing bored and attempting to enter the "grownup" world of diabolical conspiracies and power plays.



Fierna ruled the fiery layer of Phlegethos, the most archetypal of the Hells that commonly appeared in mortal minds when Baator was mentioned. Like the Plane of Fire, the unending flames and unbearable heat swiftly scorched most forms of life, with much of the scalding expanse being covered in ashen hills and smoking plains. Of the lawful planes of Hell, Phlegethos was the most environmentally chaotic; tremors were common and violent eruptions or the random openings of fissures were sporadic, although despite making it more dangerous it gave trespassers a wider choice of hiding spots. The tortured hellscape was rife with mountainous volcanoes which spewed the rivers of molten magma that dominated the plane, the structures of Phlegethos having to be made to withstand its random redirects. All bodies of the liquid lava were interconnected, either in bubbling pools, lakes of fire, or igneous seas. The firefalls, where the fiery streams fell from sharp ridges, made it one of the most visited hells, at least by magic-wielding outsiders that sought to use the flames in works of incredibly alchemy or magical item forging.   Supposedly, Asmodeus killed the original divine master of Phlegethos, his grave being a foundation for some crucial part of the plane Regardless of how it was then, Phlegethos was currently a place of pain, with fires that seemed to harbor a strange, merciless sentience. Though welcome denizens, even those not immune to fire, seemed unharmed by them, intruders found that the flames leapt through the air, unnaturally bending to gleefully ignite them and their possessions. Even without the jumping flames illuminating the starless void above, simply staying still in Phlegethos was likely to get one destroyed, if not by the pyroclastic pumice interspersed throughout the flesh-roasting air then by one of the roaming inhabitants.   It was the most traveled of the Nine Hells, with hamatula guard patrols constantly hunting for intruders. Other common inhabitants, many of which stayed in the stinking fens on the outlands of the layer, included lemures, spinagons, imps, barbazus, abishai, and cornugons. There were also the less devilish efreeti and hell hounds as well as lawful evil fire elementals and mephits, the latter of which worked as spies for any who would reward them

Contacts & Relations

Fierna's father was the original archdevil of Phlegethos, Belial, and though many devils thought he was in decline and were waiting for Fierna to fully depose him, the two shared an unbreakable blood bond tightened by mutual necessity. He was adept at, if not quelling, focusing Fierna's fury similarly to how one controlled a fire. He also served as Fierna's mentor, teaching her from within the Hall of One Thousand Sighs and Screams of her palace about everything he knew regarding the "arts of love and pain." However, the strength of their ties had undergone severe strain with the rise to power of Fierna's second role model, Glasya. Close even before becoming the Archduchess of Malbolge, Fierna's relationship towards Glasya was perhaps the closest that devils came to having "best friends." The Fiery Lady became friends with the Lord of the Sixth fairly fast, and spent much of her time within the latter's fortress in Malbolge, returning home to proclaim new initiatives. She seemed absolutely infatuated with Glasya and couldn't stop talking about her whenever she was brought up, her search for greater autonomy being in no small part a result of her influence. Some of her decisions were made with Glasya's advice while others were Fierna imitating her close friend, but the relationship between the two nonetheless fostered uncertainty and discomfort in Belial.   Belial's ally, Baalzebul, was wary of Fierna given her relationship with Glasya, since Asmodeus's daughter ruled over his former domain. If however, Belial was to come to Baalzebul's aid then Mephistopheles, the Lord of Cania and Baalzebul's rival, would likely try to use Belial's daughter against him, preferably as a partner but as a hostage if needed.
Current Location
Logn Black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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