Emir Tariq, the Puppeteer Noble Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Emir Tariq, the Puppeteer Noble

Emir Tariq (a.k.a. Puppeteer Noble)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A childhood shattered by tragedy defines Emir Tariq. A careless leak to the ruthless Sultan Vural led to his parents' brutal deaths and instilled a crippling fear in him. Forced to become Vural's informant, Emir excelled in the bureaucracy, using his sharp intellect for survival. Now Grand Vizier, he secretly aids the resistance, his yearning for justice battling a constant fear of exposure and violence. A complex figure, Emir is a potential ally, but his loyalty hinges on overcoming the trauma that haunts him.


Given Emir Tariq's background and position as Grand Vizier, his education would likely encompass several areas:   Formal Education:
  • Law and Governance: Essential knowledge for a high-ranking official, this would include law codes, administrative procedures, and tax systems of Mubeassau.
  • History and Politics: Understanding Mubeassau's history, the different factions within the Sultanate, and the political landscape of the region would be crucial for navigating court politics.
  • **Economics and Trade: **Managing the Sultanate's finances and understanding trade routes would be vital for Emir's role as Grand Vizier.
  • Languages: He likely speaks native common fluently and possibly other languages relevant to trade or diplomacy within the region.
  Informal Education: Court Etiquette and Protocol: Emir would have been drilled in proper etiquette, including body language, dress code, and formalities of court interaction.
  • Diplomacy and Negotiation: Essential for dealing with foreign dignitaries and navigating internal power struggles.
  • Finance and Accounting: While formal training might exist, Emir likely developed a practical understanding of managing the Sultanate's finances through his daily duties.
  • Information Gathering and Espionage: In his role as Grand Vizier, and due to his secret support for the resistance, Emir would have honed his skills in gathering and interpreting information.
  Additionally, consider his personal interests:
  • Literature and Philosophy: As someone who sought solace in books, Emir might have a deep knowledge of literature and philosophy, which could influence his worldview and internal struggles.
  • History of Resistance Movements: Driven by a desire for justice, Emir might have a personal fascination with past resistance movements, both within Mubeassau and beyond.


Early Life (Age 14 and Below):
  • Emir's early life likely revolved around his family's involvement in the resistance movement. He might have witnessed their meetings, helped with minor tasks, or been instilled with their ideals of justice and freedom.
  Post-Tragedy (Age 14 - Young Adulthood):
  • Driven by fear and trauma after witnessing his parents' deaths, Emir most likely withdrew from any activities associated with resistance.
  • To avoid suspicion and ensure his survival, he might have
  • Embraced Scholarship: He could have thrown himself into academic pursuits, excelling in law, history, or economics. This would have established him as a valuable asset within the bureaucracy, making him a less likely target for Vural.
  • Low-Level Bureaucratic Roles: He could have started with minor bureaucratic positions, demonstrating his competence and staying under the radar.
  Mid-Life (Young Adulthood - Appointment as Grand Vizier):
  • Emir's impressive academic background and bureaucratic experience likely caught the attention of the Sultanate's officials.
  • His rise through the ranks would have been a careful balancing act:
  • Maintaining Competence: He would have continued to excel in his duties, showcasing his knowledge and efficiency.
  • Avoiding Attention: He would have purposefully avoided attracting too much attention, fearing it might bring him closer to Vural's scrutiny.

Mental Trauma

Emir Tariq's childhood was shattered by a single horrific event. A careless leak to the ruthless Sultan Vural resulted in his mother's brutal death and his father's slow, agonizing demise. Vural then threatened a terrified Emir, forcing him to become a reluctant informant. This trauma instilled a crippling fear in Emir, manifesting as social anxiety, aversion to violence, and hypervigilance. He is plagued by survivor's guilt and self-loathing, yet a flicker of his parents' idealism remains. Deep down, Emir yearns for justice, even as his fear keeps him trapped in a cycle of secrecy and passive-aggression. However, a spark of courage might still exist, waiting to be ignited in the face of overwhelming need.

Intellectual Characteristics

Emir Tariq's intellect is a double-edged sword. Trauma honed his mind, making him a meticulous record keeper with a sharp grasp of law, history, and courtly intrigue. He excels at analysis and information processing, channeling his mental energy into gathering intel that ensures his own survival and avoids attracting Vural's attention. This self-preservation instinct, however, often curtails his strategic potential. Though he can formulate plans and identify allies, fear frequently paralyzes him at the moment of action.   Despite the fear, Emir possesses a hidden well of knowledge. If the party can earn his trust and alleviate his anxieties, he could become invaluable. This cautious mind holds a wealth of information - the Sultanate's inner workings, Vural's vulnerabilities, and potential resistance contacts - waiting to be tapped.

Morality & Philosophy

Emir Tariq wrestles with a moral tightrope. Deep down, he yearns for justice, a flicker of his parents' rebellion burning within him. This idealism fuels his secret support for the resistance, a small act of defiance against the oppressive regime. However, the horrific events of his childhood instilled a crippling fear and a philosophy of self-preservation. He prioritizes his own survival, often resorting to secrecy, passive aggression, and calculated manipulations to navigate the treacherous court politics. Torn between his desire for a better world and his paralyzing fear, Emir remains a complex figure – a potential ally for those who can bridge the chasm of his trauma and rekindle the embers of his courage.

Personality Characteristics


Emir Tariq is a man consumed by two conflicting forces: crippling fear and a flickering flame of yearning for justice.   Fear: The horrific events of his childhood, witnessing his parents' deaths and his own near demise, instilled a deep-seated terror in Emir. This fear manifests in his aversion to violence, hypervigilance, and a constant need for self-preservation.   Yearning for Justice: Despite the fear, a sliver of his parents' idealism lives on. He harbors a desire for a better world, free from the oppression of Vural's regime. This is evident in his secret support for the resistance, a small act of defiance fueled by a flicker of courage.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Keen Intellect: Emir possesses a sharp mind, honed by years of bureaucratic experience and a need for survival. He excels at analysis, information processing, and record-keeping.
  • Courtly Intrigue: He navigates the treacherous waters of court politics with finesse, adept at using his knowledge of law and history to manipulate situations and protect himself.
  • Secret Keeper: Driven by fear, Emir is a master of secrecy. He can compartmentalize information, maintain a stoic facade, and hide his true loyalties.
  • Passive-Aggressive Mastermind: He can subtly undermine his enemies and manipulate situations without overt confrontation.
  • Paralyzing Fear: Emir's greatest weakness is his crippling fear, often halting him at crucial moments and preventing decisive action.
  • Self-Preservation: His survival instinct can lead to a reluctance to take risks or put himself in danger.
  • Leadership: While he can formulate plans, his fear undermines his ability to inspire or lead others.
  • Open Conflict: Emir is ill-suited for direct confrontation and violence. Witnessing violence, let alone participating in it, could trigger his fear and render him ineffective.

Likes & Dislikes


  1. Quiet Evenings with a Book: In the solace of his private quarters, Emir finds escape in literature and philosophy. He enjoys works that explore themes of justice, resilience, and the human condition. (This hints at his inner yearning for a better world.)
  2. Classical Music: The soothing melodies of classical music offer a refuge from the chaos of court life. He might have a particular fondness for composers known for their melancholic or contemplative pieces. (This reflects his introspective nature and inner turmoil.)
  3. Stargazing: Gazing at the vast night sky allows Emir a sense of perspective and a connection to something greater than himself. This quiet contemplation might fuel his resolve to fight for a just world. (This reveals a glimmer of hope and idealism that persists despite his fear.)
  4. Delicate Calligraphy: The meticulous art of calligraphy provides Emir with a sense of control and a way to express his inner world without words. He might find solace in the precision and beauty of the written word. (This speaks to his intellectual side and his need for order in a chaotic world.)
  5. Spiced Teas: While Emir avoids confrontation, he enjoys the subtle complexity of spiced teas. The different flavors might represent the hidden depths of his personality and his struggle between fear and justice. (This adds a small sensory detail that humanizes him.)


  1. Loud Noises and Crowds: The cacophony of crowds and sudden noises exacerbate Emir's anxiety. He prefers controlled environments where he feels safe and in control. (This highlights his fear and need for security.)
  2. Displays of Violence: The sight of blood or physical conflict triggers traumatic memories and paralyzes him with fear. He avoids violence at all costs. (This reinforces his aversion to conflict.)
  3. Braggadocio and Arrogance: Emir despises those who flaunt their power or boast of their achievements. He finds such behavior distasteful and a reminder of Vural's brutality. (This reveals his inner sense of justice and his dislike for tyranny.)
  4. Unpredictability: Emir thrives on routine and order. Unforeseen events or changes of plan throw him off balance and fuel his anxiety. (This speaks to his need for control and stability.)
  5. Bitter Foods: Just as he avoids overt confrontation, Emir dislikes bitter flavors. He prefers subtle and nuanced tastes, mirroring his cautious and introspective personality. (Another small sensory detail that adds a touch of humanity.)

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Shrewd Mind (Wisdom): Emir's sharp intellect and bureaucratic experience grant him a bonus to Intelligence or Wisdom checks related to information gathering, analysis, and strategic planning.
  • Stoic Demeanor (Charisma): Despite his internal struggles, Emir can maintain a composed and diplomatic facade. He gains a bonus to Charisma checks for deception, persuasion in courtly settings, or maintaining composure during tense negotiations.
  • Hidden Resolve (Spirit): Despite his fear, Emir possesses a flicker of courage inherited from his parents. He gains a bonus to saving throws against fear effects or a chance to overcome his fear in a critical moment.
  • Master of Records: Emir has access to a vast network of information within the Sultanate's bureaucracy. He can spend a downtime action to research a specific topic or location, granting the party a bonus to related checks or revealing a hidden detail.
  • Courtly Connections: Through his position, Emir can leverage his network of contacts within the palace. He can arrange an audience with a specific official (though not necessarily a guarantee of success) or gather whispers of court intrigue.
  • Secret Supplier: Despite his fear of violence, Emir understands the resistance's needs. He can discreetly provide the party with a limited amount of basic supplies (rations, healing potions) or basic weaponry once per adventure.

Vices & Personality flaws

Crippling Fear: This is his most defining weakness. Witnessing his parents' deaths and facing Vural's threats instilled a deep-seated terror in Emir. This fear manifests in various ways such as Hypervigilance: He constantly scans for danger, often misinterpreting situations or withdrawing entirely.   Self-Preservation: Driven by fear, Emir prioritizes his own safety above all else. This can manifest as: Secrecy and Paranoia: He mistrusts others and keeps his true loyalties hidden, hindering genuine connection.   Guilt and Self-Loathing: Believing he caused his parents' deaths, Emir grapples with immense guilt and a sense of worthlessness. This can lead to: Difficulty with Trust: His guilt and fear make it difficult for him to trust others, even potential allies.
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Draconic, halving, Dwarvish, Giant and Shoyanese

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