Curses Condition in Ealathra | World Anvil
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a curse is a magical affliction that befalls a creature, often as a result of a spell, a cursed item, or the actions of a malevolent being. Curses can manifest in various forms, ranging from detrimental effects on the cursed individual's abilities, luck, or health to more specific consequences related to the nature of the curse. Breaking a curse typically involves completing a quest, finding a specific item, or seeking the aid of a powerful spellcaster. Curses add an element of challenge and narrative complexity, requiring people to overcome adversity and engage with the magical aspects of the Ealathra.

Transmission & Vectors

The transmission vectors of curses can vary widely, and they often depend on the region and creature inflicting it. Here are a few common ways curses can be transmitted:   Cursed Objects: Characters might encounter cursed items, such as a cursed weapon or a cursed piece of jewelry. When they interact with or use these items, a curse may befall them.   Dark Magic: Certain spells or magical rituals might be designed to inflict curses on individuals. This could be a result of dark sorcery, necromancy, or dealings with malevolent entities.   Hexes and Enchantments: Malevolent creatures, like hags or witches, might cast curses on characters as a form of revenge or as part of a sinister plan. These curses are often associated with specific actions or circumstances.   Divine Punishment: Sometimes, curses are a form of divine retribution. Characters who anger or offend a deity might find themselves cursed as a consequence of their actions.   Ancient Artifacts: Characters interacting with ancient artifacts or forbidden knowledge may accidentally incur curses. These curses could be dormant until a certain condition is met.   Plague or Infliction: In some cases, curses can be transmitted like a disease. Characters might come into contact with a cursed individual or area and become cursed themselves.


  1. Physical Afflictions: Curses may cause physical maladies such as wasting diseases, deformities, or unexplained injuries that don't heal.
  2. Persistent Misfortune: Characters under a curse might experience a streak of bad luck, where their endeavors are consistently met with failure or calamity.
  3. Haunted Visions: Cursed individuals might suffer from haunting visions, nightmares, or hallucinations that disturb their waking and sleeping moments.
  4. Supernatural Aversion: Some curses create aversions to specific places, objects, or types of creatures, making it challenging for the cursed character to navigate the world.
  5. Loss of Abilities: Certain curses may strip characters of their abilities, such as preventing spellcasting, stealing strength, or hindering physical prowess.
  6. Unnatural Cravings: Cursed individuals might develop strange or harmful cravings, such as an insatiable hunger for bizarre substances or a compulsion to commit harmful acts.
  7. Mental Strain: Curses can inflict mental anguish, leading to conditions like paranoia, depression, or uncontrollable fits of anger.
  8. Mark of the Curse: Some curses leave a visible mark on the afflicted, whether it's a physical scar, a supernatural glow, or another distinctive feature.
  9. Magical Taint: Curses can also taint magical abilities, causing spells to go awry, magical items to malfunction, or even attracting unwanted magical entities.


  • Cleansing Rituals: Certain curses may require specific rituals or ceremonies to cleanse the afflicted individual. These rituals could involve rare ingredients, sacred locations, or the assistance of knowledgeable spellcasters.
  • Powerful Magic: High-level magic, such as the spells Greater Restoration or Remove Curse, is often effective in lifting curses. These spells might need to be cast by a skilled cleric, wizard, or another magic practitioner.
  • Seeking Divine Intervention: For curses with a supernatural origin, characters might need to seek help from powerful deities or entities. This could involve completing quests, proving their worth, or making sacrifices to gain divine favor.
  • Herbal Remedies: In some cases, curses might be tied to natural elements or plants. Herbalists or druids could concoct remedies using rare herbs or extracts to counteract the curse.
  • Artifact or Relic: Certain powerful artifacts or relics within the game world might hold the key to breaking a curse. Obtaining these items could be the focus of a quest or an adventure.
  • Atonement: In cases where the curse is a result of moral transgressions, the character might need to atone for their actions. This could involve righting wrongs, performing acts of penance, or seeking forgiveness from those they've wronged.
  • Time and Trials: Some curses may simply wear off over time or through overcoming a series of trials. This could involve the character proving their strength, resolve, or loyalty in the face of adversity.

Affected Groups

Any Living creature can be afflicted with a  curse of some kind.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital