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In its prime, Cryshielsi was likely governed by a village council comprised of elders and prominent members of the logging community. However, after its downfall and transformation into a haunted village, any semblance of organized governance has long since faded. The clerics of Feakrith, tasked with maintaining the seal on the village, now serve as the de facto authority, though their influence does not extend beyond the outskirts of Cryshielsi.


While Cryshielsi lacks traditional defenses, such as walls or fortifications, the seal imposed by the clerics of Feakrith serves as the village's primary means of defense. This mystical barrier prevents the undead from leaving the village, effectively containing the threat within its borders. Additionally, the dense surrounding forest acts as a natural deterrent to outsiders, making it difficult for the curious or foolhardy to penetrate Cryshielsi's haunted confines.


Cryshielsi's infrastructure, once built to support a thriving logging industry, now lies in ruins. Dilapidated wooden structures, remnants of former homes and workshops, dot the landscape, their rotting timbers sagging and decayed. The village's once-bustling streets are now overgrown with weeds and tangled underbrush, obscuring the remnants of a bygone era beneath a shroud of nature's reclaiming touch.

Points of interest

Despite its desolate state, Cryshielsi still harbors points of interest for those brave enough to venture within its cursed boundaries. The old logging camp, now reclaimed by nature, stands as a testament to the village's former livelihood, with rusted sawmills and decaying cabins offering glimpses into its past. The abandoned church at the village's center, its weathered steeple reaching skyward like a skeletal finger, is rumored to hold secrets within its crumbling walls, drawing intrepid explorers seeking answers to the village's dark history


Cryshielsi's architecture reflects its humble origins as a logging village nestled within the woods. The buildings, constructed primarily from sturdy timber, once boasted simple yet functional designs suited to the needs of the logging community. However, years of neglect and the encroachment of nature have taken their toll, leaving behind crumbling structures and collapsed roofs. Moss and ivy now cling to the weathered wood, adding an eerie, overgrown quality to the village's aesthetic.


Situated in a woodland just north of the Feakrith mountain tops, Cryshielsi finds itself enveloped by a dense, ancient forest. Towering evergreen trees cast long shadows over the village, their branches interlocking to form a canopy that obscures the sky above. Moss-covered rocks and gnarled roots litter the forest floor, creating a treacherous terrain for those who dare to tread within its confines. The distant peaks of the Feakrith mountains loom on the horizon, their rugged silhouettes serving as a constant reminder of the village's isolated existence.


Still Dead Air.


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