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"No matter how much you clean it you can never truly erase the bite of Glummingthorne." -Exerts from famous Lore bard Gizmos Smtich's Guide to Tason
Crogra is the main dock Town of Tason it serves as the main trade route throughout the Taston region and even supply chains to Feakrith. It is a Town constantly under the threat of its neighbour Gloomingthorne, and still lives under the fear that it will return to the way it was a few hundred years ago.


Humans, Elves, Dwarves the rare bout of Wererats


Run by a council of five, the town is a central communication point for the wider Tason region


Stone Walls Guard of 200 men

Industry & Trade

Ship yeard Docking and repair


The Citadel (where the council resides) The Haunted ferry Old District Fishsquare Iron Alley The Orchards Wide Harbour Black Harbour  The Park

Guilds and Factions

The Crogra Council The Thieves Guild


The City of Crogra was founded during 137DH by off settlers from Feakrith   The Crogra Plague of 395DH a plague-ravaged 50% of the population this was a tool used by the vampires to weaken the city so they could take over.   Isabella Limoffet Was a vampire that ruled Corgra between 400DH-488DH she was a part of the le Tourment de la Goule Vampire coven she tried for years to expand to take over the Taston region but was never fully successful. She was slain by Grand Duke Ernisius Glorybuff when The Kruvaria kingdom decided to purge the vampire threat.


Many come here to see the origins of the Wererat Investigation bureau or to gaze at the mysterious mist surrounding Gloomingthorne


Temperate but prone to rain


  • Crogra
    Crogra is the main dock Town of Tason it serves as the main trade route throughout the Taston region and even supply chains to Feakrith. It is a Town constantly under the threat of its neighbor Gloomingthorne, and still lives under the fear that it will return to the way it was a few hundred years ago.
Founding Date
137 DH
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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