Children of Chaos Organization in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Children of Chaos

"I never met a talking banana, SO I MADE ONE! I really shouldn't have given it a central nervous system... Good dinner though"   Ruler of the Plane of Limbo, The god of chaos is responsible for many of the nonsensical creatures that roam the realm of Ealathra


There is a Fork that runs as a primary accountant it gets straight to the point so much to the point that it could be a knife.


All races gender and colours are welcome.

Public Agenda

Let chaos reign!!

Mythology & Lore

Nothing about this entity makes sense, his madness knows no bounds and he's just as likely to smite you as marry you to his price chicken. all that is known about the god of chaos is that he exists in the plane of limbo, and any adventurer who unfortunate to encounter him and is lucky enough to escape Asus god of Law wipes their mind so that they 1. don't have to remember the horrors they endured and 2. cant leads the god of chaos to Ealathra. Some of the god's other hobbies are treating abomination creatures like the Sharknado or the Turd elemental.

Divine Origins

Not much is known about how Aarin became the god of chaos maybe he was once a archfey trapped in limbo or maybe the chaotic realm makes a god for itself.

Cosmological Views

Gods are beings of unimaginable energy that lat themselves to the beliefs of mortals. The faith of mortals provides a deity with not only power but the purpose. Gods can have many forms and they change them frequently. Once they have attached themself to a domain that enough mortals believe in they assume their role. For example, the divine entities might assume their place in the domain of fine cooking and win now any faith within the psychical planes tied to that domain fuels that god. Any being of raw power that does not assume godhood runs the risk of being consumed by other more powerful beings or dissipating back into raw unintelligent energy.   Aarin just is what he is, there is no point questioning unless you wish to lose your mind they say his words can only be heard through he is medically insane or he will grant an audience to though who dies in a specular stupid way.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Swordfish
  2. Polish your shoes daily
  3. Beware the 3 eyed newt its coming for you 


He is a being of pure chaos just like his followers there are no ethics no morals just the machinations of a madman.


Never premeditate anything be one with choas and Aarin is very pleased.


To be a priest of Aarin, you must survive a weekend retreat with him.

Granted Divine Powers


Political Influence & Intrigue

Rumour has it he had driven a few rulers mad through the years

Oh mortal you have sparked my interest, Lets have a tea party!

Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The Mad God
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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