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Belhogue is a small but tightly-knit community of hunters, trappers, and forest dwellers who have made their home amidst the dense woodlands of the Feakrith Southern forest. The village is populated by individuals skilled in the art of tracking, hunting, and survival, forming a close bond with the natural world around them. The inhabitants of Belhogue primarily consist of humans, elves, and half-elves, reflecting the diverse backgrounds of those drawn to a life of living in harmony with nature. Many families have lived in Belhogue for generations, passing down traditional hunting techniques and forest lore from one generation to the next.


Belhogue operates under a council of elders, composed of seasoned hunters and respected community leaders who oversee the village's affairs and ensure the sustainable management of its resources. Decisions regarding hunting quotas, forest conservation, and communal initiatives are made through consensus among the council members.


While Belhogue lacks formal defensive structures, its residents are adept at navigating the dense forest terrain and defending their village from external threats. Trained hunters and woodsmen patrol the outskirts of Belhogue, keeping a vigilant eye out for dangerous creatures or intruders.

Industry & Trade

Hunting and trapping form the backbone of Belhogue's economy, providing sustenance and income for its residents through the sale of game meat, furs, and other forest resources. The village maintains trade agreements with Feakrith and neighboring settlements, exchanging wild game for essential goods and services.


Belhogue's infrastructure is modest yet functional, comprising wooden cabins, hunting lodges, and communal gathering spaces nestled amidst the towering trees of the Feakrith Southern forest. Paths and trails crisscross the village, allowing residents to navigate the dense undergrowth with ease.


Belhogue's primary asset lies in its abundant wildlife and natural resources, with the village serving as a vital hub for hunting and trapping activities in the surrounding forest. Skilled hunters venture deep into the wilderness to harvest game such as deer, boar, and rabbits, supplying fresh meat and pelts to Feakrith and other nearby settlements.

Guilds and Factions

Belhogue is home to various hunting guilds and ranger associations, fostering camaraderie and cooperation among its skilled outdoorsmen. These organizations work closely with the village council and local druids to promote sustainable hunting practices and environmental stewardship.

Points of interest

Notable landmarks in Belhogue include the village's central meeting hall, where residents gather to share stories, discuss hunting strategies, and plan communal activities. The nearby druidic groves and sacred sites are also revered by the villagers, serving as places of reverence and spiritual connection with the natural world.


While not a traditional tourist destination, Belhogue attracts visitors interested in experiencing the tranquility and beauty of the Feakrith Southern forest. Guided hunting expeditions, nature walks, and wildlife observation tours offer visitors a unique opportunity to explore the pristine wilderness surrounding the village.


Belhogue's architecture blends seamlessly with its natural surroundings, with rustic wooden cabins and lodges constructed using locally sourced materials. Buildings are designed to harmonize with the forest environment, featuring sturdy log construction and sloping roofs to shed rain and snow.


Nestled within the Feakrith Southern forest, Belhogue enjoys a temperate climate characterized by mild summers and cold winters. The village is surrounded by dense woodlands teeming with diverse flora and fauna, providing ample opportunities for outdoor recreation and adventure.


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