Windmaize Species in Ealamkha'fif | World Anvil
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Windmaize is a common plant in Aerava, well known to all of it's citizens. A form of grain, used to create flours and baked goods across Aerava, Windmaize can be cultivated, and harvested naturally, making it a staple of Aeravan agriculture. It gains nutrients through Swoop reclamation, and requires no land. It instead floats through the sky, much like a tumbleweed. Plants can be grown in special containers, made of a special structure, shaped like a sphere, with a line holding the plant in place. Ripe germ floats upward, off of the plant naturally, settling in the top of the sphere, making it easy to harvest. Creating a somewhat chewy, mild dough, which is oddly light, Windmaize is used in several unique Aeravan dishes, such as gyros, flatbreads, and Sweet Bread on a kebab.


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