Ealamism Myth in Ealamkha'fif | World Anvil
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Ealamism has its history in the very far past, something that many modern people forget due to its rather unsavory modern practitioners, The Unifiers. As for Ealamism itself, as a religion it preaches the power and importance of Ealam, the planet itself. Some sects, such as those in the Upper Isles of Aerava, regard it as a deity of sorts, but a true and overarching one, above the traditional deities. Many sects in East Terr'aina see it simply as a protective figure, providing in return for our respect. The tenants are loose, change with region, and have changed with time, as evidenced by the most modern sect, that of the Unifiers. They believe that Ealam, being one world, was meant to house one culture, people, and government. That decisions should be made with the tenants of Ealamism in mind, by the clergy, for the whole world (who would be practitioners, in their eyes). It's a radical, extremist view of the ancient religion, and aims to make the world "whole", at the cost of what makes everywhere and everyone unique.
  The modern problems are twofold for Ealamism. The first being the much more direct effects of deities, as well as other religions becoming more widespread. That is to say, Ealamism has too much competition. The second problem is The Unifiers. Their growing numbers and the problem that comes with them, as well as their extremist version of Ealamism have put the once popular religion into decline.


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