Coral Spirits Ethnicity in Ealamkha'fif | World Anvil
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Coral Spirits

Coral Spirits are a long lived race of people who live in Kaiyocea. True to their name, these spirits are tied to coral, with each member being linked, akin to a dryad. In fact, it has been suggested that Coral Spirits are distant relatives of dryads, as both are functionally immortal for as long as they have a host, and share similar properties.
  In Kaiyocea, however, Coral Spirits have a much different place then druids in the other realms. Seen as wise and somewhat sacred, Coral Spirits intermingle with humanoid societies, often taking residence in buildings made from coral. Sometimes they will hold jobs, such as security, shopkeeps or service staff. Some however, choose to move around. These spirits will often find a humanoid they like via chance, ask them to move their coral in as help around the house, and stay for several generations before moving again. The relationships between Coral Spirits and their host are as varied as their personality, so treatment and closeness varies. Generally, while it may not be worship, most treat any Coral Spirits they are hosting well, as it is considered bad luck and distasteful to disrespect them.
  Due to the stationary nature of Coral Spirits, they are often regarded as a sentient animal or spirit rather than a full fledged citizen. Sometimes this works to their favor when they have magic of divination or creation, where they can assume a minor deity-like status. However, in recent times, due to the growth of Kaiyocean cities more and more Coral Spirits are left abandoned or without care. It has become a popular issue for reforms to be focused around, and more than a few Coral Spirits are seeking ways to become truly independent.


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