Cloudberries Species in Ealamkha'fif | World Anvil
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Cloudberries are the fruits that come from a Cloudshrub, a lighter-than air plant that anchors on slow moving clouds using a unique part of it's body, which replaces the roots on a normal plant. Feather-esqu growths anchor in the clouds, using the formation of the cloud to stay rooted, absorbing both water and Swoop for nutrition. The plant will then glide on drafts for a time, either catching on another cloud, or dissolving and spreading seeds for new Cloudshrubs.
The berries themselves often remind outsiders of blueberries in size and texture, with a sweeter flavor closer to a pineapple. The skin of Cloudberries is actually rather tough, so many traditional recipes either break the berry up or cook them to soften the outside. Due to the unique physiology of the plants, they can be harvested if the right equipment is provided, but are generally difficult to grow.


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