Guard Character in Eagsain | World Anvil
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Guard is the only guard of Vallaverda, his true name in Unknowed.
  Guard was a human knight in the The Redeemers when he was 17 (year 1287). His parents left him in a church of The One True God, he never found out who they were. He was raised in the church as a kid, and then forwarded to the redeemers to be trained.
  In one of the missions, his squad was sent to get rid of a druid and his groove, because the druid hosted feys in his groove. as his friends in arm slaughter feys, and fought the beaten up druid, he couldn't manage to join them, his moral compass didn't allow it. As the druid was close to death, he managed to cast a shield upon himself. as the knight was unable to touch him, he noticed Guard and his horrified face, and he used his last forces to curse him.
  As the druid cursed Guard, he knew that there was still good in Guard's heart, yet, knowing something is wrong and doing nothing is way worse. The curse started affecting Guards body, he started growing hair on his body, and his eyes grew triple-sized, he began to look like a lemur. He was also given a chance to redeem himself, he was given the gift of sight. He was suddenly able to look further and clearer than ever.
  After the knight killed the druid, they cheered, but then they noticed Guard. They looked at him and understood he was cursed. The captain of the force looked at Guard, and then ordered his knight to get rid of him, he is unholy. Guard run away as fast as he could, and he managed to run away.
  Guard swore an oath to never watch again and do nothing, more than that, he swore to always watch and be alert, so he could protect the one in need.
  Guard arrived in Vallaverda, fully armored. he hoped to live there. He met Reginald Perez, and told him his story, he was the only one he told his story to. He asked Reginald to be a guard for the island, he promised to watch from the tower and protect the island. Reginal hired him and declared him as the "Master Watcher of Vallaverda".
  now he lives in the tower, always watching, not aging. he never remove his armor in the presence of people, and he rarely leaves the tower. He only leave when his friend Tulip covers him, she also brings him food.

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