59: Names & Nessus Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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59: Names & Nessus

General Summary

From her palace on Nessus, Eve makes clear the party's goals align with hers; namely the hinderance of the Voidbringer and the Broker. The party has a private discussion, namely to ask why Ataraxia is so adamant on forging a contract with Eve. The cleric insists the price of her soul is worth the advantage they could gain in saving their world. Nav points out the curious infernal sigil between the tiefling's horns as the party learns Ataraxia's birth name and that Eve shares the same family name.
  As the infernal contract is deliberated, Garin proposes seeking and killing the Broker for revenge, for the change to recover his former companions' souls, to help their allies currently fighting Morgard back on Calodros, and perhaps secure a better deal for Ataraxia. Without direct aid from Eve, the party travels across Nessus' barren desert and reaches a dark steel tower that is the seat of the Broker's power.

Locations mentioned:

  • Calodros
  • Casta Opulencia (Eve's domain) and the Tower of Dremorius (the Broker's domain) in Nessus, the Ninth Layer of Hell

Character(s) interacted with

  • Eve 
  • The Broker 
  • Runekeeper Jahani 
  • Thalgannath
Campaign Date(s)
8-9.9, 412 ERS

Report Date
02 Jan 2022
Primary Location

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