45: Whisked Away Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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45: Whisked Away

General Summary

The party watches the tree force the icy area around itself to blossom with grass and flowers, fully displaying strong fey magic. Vincent-et al. was unsuccessful in convincing Nyx to cooperate, so they decide to head to the tree and request an audience with the Marquis. Beyond Navy's sanctum, Zarus, a hobgoblin who is the Marquis' marshal, emerges from the tree and states his intention to escort Nyx-et al. to the . Vincent secures Zarus' promise to return them once the changeling unilaterally decides negotiations are completed. After some parting gifts and farewells from the party, the changeling enters the tree and heads to see the Marquis of Ivory and Ash.
  The next day, an impressive arm-wrestling match secures the party passage to Svardborg. They secure an audience with Jarl Storvald after mentioning they have news about the Oracle. The Jarl is incredulous when hearing his warriors who were sent to kill the Oracle and retrieve the Ring of Winter failed their task, until he sees the White Dragon Mask. Ahriman quickly steals the conch but after realizing it doesn't immediately work, the party takes the Jarl (polymorphed into a kitten) hostage and fends off attacks long enough to flee hundreds of miles eastward as wisps of cloud.
  The Jarl-kitten is abandoned on the tundra before the party finishes their escape. Before they can catch their breath, a sudden lightning storm bearing Iymrith's visage targets them. Within the quick shelter of Navy's tower, the party attunes to the Conch of Teleportation and uses it to reach Maelstrom.

Locations mentioned:

Character(s) interacted with

  • Harshnag 
  • Zarus: Hobgoblin marshal to the Marquis
  • Marquis of Ivory and Ash
  • Jarl Storvald 
  • Iymrith 
Campaign Date(s)
14-15.7, 412 ERS

Report Date
23 May 2021
Primary Location

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