44: Subjugation Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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44: Subjugation

General Summary

After flying over the expanse of the White Wind Wastes, Vincent cryptically tells Garin he'd stop at nothing to escape a 'subjugated' existence, in light of their previous talk with Nyx. At Vincent's request, Ataraxia draws Nyx out to convince her to share her knowledge and consciousness with the other personalities. Nyx's goal is to acquire the Ring of Winter for herself to annoy the Marquis. Vincent gives Nyx an ultimatum; either an open relationship or mutual destruction. Nyx seems unconvinced.
  Continuing by foot, the party encounters a trap set up by drow hunters to lure a remorhaz. The drow hunters ultimately let the party pass, but remain suspicious of the party's destination (Sea of Mirrors) and their guide Harshnag. They refer to Svardborg as the 'Throne of the Subjugator' where Jarl Storvald resides.
  While camping beyond Svardborg's borders, in an effort to motivate Nyx to work with the other personalities, Ataraxia unsuccessfully reaches out to Zarus, a marshal of the Marquis. Relying on Navy's warding of their tower, a second successful attempt is made to the Marquis, who lets his presence be known in the form of a tree in autumn foliage in front of their tower.  

Locations mentioned:

Character(s) interacted with

  • Harshnag 
  • Marquis of Ivory and Ash
Campaign Date(s)
13-14.7, 412 ERS

Report Date
09 May 2021
Primary Location

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