38: Icy Bridges Report in Eadrana | World Anvil
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38: Icy Bridges

General Summary

The party and Harshnag continue fighting the remaining frost giants, including a 3-headed female giant. As they struggled to keep consciousness while taking heavy hits and enduring the blizzard, Cobble shifted into Nyx and runs away. Ending up near the camp where the frost giants likely waited for interlopers, she rifled through the giant-sized possessions, picking up an idol, before rejoining the others.  While collecting themselves after the difficult fight, they discover the bone-white mask on the she-giant shrinking and realizes it's likely a relic of great power. Harshnag identified the idol as Thrim, a god promising frost giants domain over the world by bringing out a legendary ice age.
  The storm clears as Navy hears about Garin's mother who believed shooting stars were angels freely coming down give aid and hope. Prior to their rest in Navy's conjured towers, the party decides Ataraxia should wear the White Dragon Mask, especially since Garin's 'passenger' feels strongly about the mask's infernal links. As the cleric attunes to the mask, Thalgannath roars in further disapproval while she hears whispers in Infernal. Parvana and Navy, from the tower's observatory, spot a strange ship flying high in the sky right before it flashes away.
  In the morning, the female fire giant from earlier, Cinderhild, catches up with them and tenuously agrees to a truce on the way to the Oracle. She hasn't forgiven the party for their actions on Xhuveria, challenging their intentions with a more complicated dynamic affecting giants who she claims are at the mercy of uninterested gods and an imposed hierarchy. Finally closing in to their destination, the party notices shadowy figures and tendrils envelop the final bridge to the Oracle's temple, along with the familiar draconic-assassins who resemble those employed by Iymrith.  

Locations mentioned

Character(s) interacted with

  • Harshnag 
  • Cinderhild 
  • many-faced female frost giant
  • Iymrith 
Campaign Date(s)
8-9.7, 412 ERS

Report Date
14 Feb 2021
Primary Location

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