Peli-trak-turna Geographic Location in Eaden | World Anvil
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Home of the Esteemed Sol-stine Archives, the 3rd largest academy in all of Eaden. The Archives own all of Peli-trak-turna leaving much of it undeveloped for spiritual and educational reasons. Peli-trak-turna is home to some Exotic wildlife and raises the only Haizum in all of Eaden. The Archives are the biggest cause for visitors to the small land there are a few well known dungeons as well and it is a well used hunting ground for rare materials.


A dense jungle with a solitary mountain near one side, the Mountain is home to the Archives and has been built up to be a city, The majority of the Island is covered in Jungle.

Fauna & Flora


  white, flaming, horse that has wings like that of a pegasus.


The Jungles of Peli are filled with rare and exotic creatures as well as a few well known dungeons. It is also the only location in all of Eaden to find Haizum as well as some plants that are highly resistant to Flames. The Pilgrimage of the Faith once every 10 years also brings trade from all across Eaden and is a place to find Rare and Exotic goods. on top of all the the Sol-stine Archives is home to the Fore most Tinkerers and arcane scholars in nearly every field of study as well as the ancient technology that still lies undeciphered beneath Sol-stine.
Alternative Name(s)
Daughter of the Sun
Island, Floating

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