Taxonomy of Some of the Races Found on Pleiadia


Distinct Subspecies
Thought of as the "original" or "primary races"
  • Dwarves
  • Elves
  • Gnomes
  • Halflings
  • Humans
  • Orcs
Hybrid Subspecies
Usually of two ancestries - ranked here by commonality
  • Elf-Human: Duine ("Half-Elf")
  • Human-Orc: Orckind ("Half-Orc")
  • Halfling-Human: Menneske (Menn)
  • Gnome-Halfling: Hobin (Hobbin, Hoblin)
  • Dwarf-Halfling: Skelt
  • Dwarf-Human: Dverger
  • Elf-Dwarf: Ǎirén
  • Elf-Orc: Ujin
  • Dwarf-Orc: Duergar
  • Dwarf-Gnome: Drunathi
  • Halfling-Elf: Mion
  • Elf-Gnome: Sachi (Saci)
  • Gnome-Human: Nomen
  • Halfling-Orc: Drekin
  • Gnome-Orc: Nameless
Magical/Supernatural Subspecies
  • Celestials (Angelkin or "Aasimari", Demigods)
  • Demonkin (Teiflings)
  • Vampires, Dhampirs
  • Werefolk (Werewolves, Werebears, etc.)
  • Changelings, Shapeshifters, Skinwalkers, etc.
  • Fairies and Fairyfolk (Brownies, Leprechauns, etc.)
  • Elemental-bound (Air, Earth, Fire, Water "Genasi")
  • Plane-shifters (or "Gith")


    • Goblins
    • Hobgoblins
    • Bugbears
    • Ogres
    • Trolls


    • Dragonkin (or "Dragonborn")
    • Kobolds
    • Lizard-folk
    • Serpentkin (or "Yuan-ti")
    • Turtle-folk ( or "Tortle)"


    Humanoid species that exhibit distinct characteristics of various animal species
    • Merfolk (Mermaids, Mermen)
    • Caninids (Dogkin)
      • Anubui (Jackelkin)
    • Felinids (Catkin)
      • Leopardkin (or "Tabaxi")
      • Leonids (or "Lionfolk")
    • Corvids (Crowkin/Ravenkin)
    • Centauri (Centaurs)
    • Elepholk (or "Loxodon")
    • Frogfolk (or "Grung")
    • Minotaurs


    Unique and uncategorized
    • Faefolk
    • Forest Gaurdian (or "Firbolg")
    • Fungoid
    • Giantkin (Goliath/Half-Giant)
    • Golem
    • Triton