Zalim Alov Character in Dystoria | World Anvil

Zalim Alov

Everything presented is subject to change as the adventuring party discovers hidden secrets.

Zalim Alov (a.k.a. The Undying Flame)

Takes form of a Fire Elemental Myrmidon in initial conflict if party is too low level.   This creature is what gives Phoenixes their name. Known as "The Phoenix," Zalim is nearly incapable of total death, simply rebirthing upon such an event.   Zalim Alov might explain his blackened state as a consequence of the tremendous elemental power he commands. He could suggest that his connection to fiery and shadowy forces has transformed his once-bright plumage into its current darkened state. This transformation, he might claim, is a manifestation of his unique mastery over the elements of fire and darkness, marking him as an extraordinary and formidable entity. He would emphasize the vital role of his powers in unsealing the god and stress the importance of those he's seeking to recruit in achieving this ambitious goal.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Necromantic Pillars: Zalim Alov's existence is tied to a set of necromantic pillars located deep within the cave system of the Mountains of Lacrob. If these pillars remain intact upon his death, he will regenerate and return to life after 1d6 days. Destroying all of these pillars is the only way to permanently kill him.   Illumination: Zalim Alov has the ability to shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light in an additional 30 feet. Alternatively, he can emanate darkness in a 30-foot radius and dim light in an additional 30 feet. This ability allows him to control the lighting conditions in his vicinity.   Flaming Burst: Zalim Alov has the ability to release a burst of flames in a 10-foot radius around himself. This fiery explosion causes necrotic and fire damage to any creatures caught within it.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Zalim Alov possesses an acute intellect that is primarily channeled into his magical abilities and his understanding of the necromantic pillars that sustain his undeath. His thought processes are calculated and strategic, allowing him to devise cunning plans and tactics to achieve his mission's objectives.   He demonstrates a profound knowledge of necromancy and the arcane, using these disciplines to his advantage. His understanding of the necromantic pillars and their importance in his resurrection underscores his intellectual prowess, enabling him to safeguard his existence.   Despite his powerful intellect, Zalim Alov is somewhat single-minded in his devotion to his mission, which can lead him to overlook alternative solutions or diplomatic approaches to achieve his goals. His fear of direct confrontation reflects both his tactical acumen and a streak of pragmatism in avoiding situations where he might be overpowered.

Morality & Philosophy

Devotion to the Grim Reapers: Zalim Alov's primary allegiance lies with the Grim Reapers, the beings responsible for his undeath. He views their goals and commands as absolute, shaping his moral compass in alignment with their objectives. This unwavering devotion to the Grim Reapers often leads him to carry out dark and malevolent deeds in pursuit of their aims.   Mission-Centric: Zalim Alov's philosophy centers on the completion of his mission to undo the seal on the sleeping god, Gashnag. He believes that the unleashing of this god is essential, regardless of the consequences it may bring. This single-minded pursuit demonstrates his willingness to embrace evil acts in the service of a greater goal.   Pragmatism and Self-Preservation: As an undead creature, Zalim Alov exhibits a strong sense of self-preservation. His philosophy is pragmatic, and he avoids direct confrontations or situations where he could be defeated. This self-preservation instinct aligns with his moral flexibility, as he is willing to make calculated sacrifices to further his mission and ensure his own continued existence.   Lack of Empathy: Zalim Alov's undead state has led to a diminished capacity for empathy. He may view the suffering of others as inconsequential in the pursuit of his goals, reflecting a morally callous perspective.

Personality Characteristics


Zalim Alov's primary motivation revolves around undoing the seal on the sleeping god, Gashnag. This seal, which had imprisoned the once-Good deity, was placed by newly reborn gods during the Resurgence. The Resurgence event forced Gashnag into a deep slumber, preventing his influence and interactions with the world.   Zalim Alov is devoted to the Grim Reapers and their cause. His mission to undo the seal aligns with their goals. He seeks to unbind Gashnag, allowing the god to regain his power and influence. The exact nature of this mission, and the Grim Reapers' larger plan, are not entirely clear to Zalim Alov, as he isn't fully in the loop regarding their designs.   The undead phoenix is driven by a desire to fulfill this mission at any cost. This determination, coupled with his formidable abilities and destructive powers, makes him a formidable and unwavering force in pursuing the release of Gashnag and the subsequent destruction of any resistance that opposes this goal.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Zalim Alov possesses a remarkable savviness when it comes to tactics, strategy, and manipulation. His experience as an undead phoenix and his connection to the Grim Reapers have granted him a keen understanding of how to achieve his mission. He excels at coordinating attacks, assessing enemy weaknesses, and exploiting situations to his advantage. Zalim is also proficient in necromancy and the dark arts, making him a formidable spellcaster with an innate ability to detect evil and good, dispel magic, and bestow curses.   However, his overconfidence can sometimes become a significant hindrance. Zalim Alov may underestimate his opponents, especially if they employ clever tactics that challenge his usual strategies. This arrogance can lead him to take unnecessary risks or engage in battles where the odds are not in his favor. Additionally, his obsession with undoing the seal on Gashnag and furthering the Grim Reapers' cause can blind him to alternative solutions or alliances that could be more advantageous.


Current Status
Securing the The Red Slumber Seal
Elemental Plane of Fire
Has a more masculine presentation






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