Marcella Newmont Character in Dystoria | World Anvil

Marcella Newmont

Everything presented is subject to change as the adventuring party discovers hidden secrets.

Lady Marcella Newmont (a.k.a. The Lady in White)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Her spectral form is graceful and fluid. Her figure retains an elegant and timeless beauty. She exudes an otherworldly allure that is captivating and haunting.

Body Features

Marcella retains her graceful and elegant figure from her living days, radiating a timeless beauty.

Facial Features

Her ethereal visage maintains an elegant and timeless beauty, with a luminous, pale complexion that evokes an otherworldly and haunting quality. Her enigmatic gaze conveys a profound sense of sorrow and longing. This mournful expression carries the emotional weight of her tragic past and unfulfilled desires.

Special abilities

She can drain the lifeforce of those she touches, potentially leading to incapacitation or death. She can turn invisible at will, enabling stealthy movement and evasion of detection. Marcella also wields the power to create illusions and change her appearance suddenly, which can be used for deception or to frighten people into dangerous situations. Lastly, women who meet their end by her life-draining touch may rise as newly-born Ladies in White.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a captivating ghostly gown that blends elegance and melancholy. The gown features a flowing silhouette that gracefully drapes around her spectral form, its luminous fabric emitting a pale, otherworldly radiance. Delicate and intricate embroidery adorns the gown, depicting scenes of beauty, sorrow, and artistry, while subtle patterns evoke a sense of longing. The ethereal train billows gracefully behind her.   She also wears spectral jewelry that enhances her ethereal and haunting beauty. This jewelry includes a delicate necklace with a translucent gemstone at its center, bracelets that create a soft chime as they move, earrings that catch and refract light in a mesmerizing display, and rings with unique designs that glimmer with spectral luminosity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Marcella Newmont was born into privilege in Pesco, a picturesque fishing hamlet nestled along the coast. From a young age, her artistic talents shone brightly, casting a vivid light upon her path. With her father's wealth, she was able to cultivate her artistic pursuits, her talent manifesting as both a visual artist and a gifted musician.   As the years passed, Marcella's artistic skills flourished, earning her renown throughout the region. Her paintings captured the essence of nature's beauty, and her music stirred emotions in all who heard it. Her creations spoke of deep passions and profound experiences, reflecting her own inner world. It was during this period that she discovered her devotion to Shelyn, the goddess of the arts, beauty, and love. The divine connection deepened her commitment to her craft, as she saw her artistic talent as a gift from the goddess herself, a means to embody and share Shelyn's divine love and creativity with the world.   Yet, Marcella's relentless dedication to her art led her down a path of isolation. The people of Pesco, who once celebrated her talents, began to perceive her as greedy, channeling her family's fortune solely into her craft. Her family, too, distanced themselves, leaving her to her solitary pursuits. Marcella remained undeterred, driven by a fervent ambition to perfect her craft and create a masterpiece that would transcend time, all while seeking the guidance and blessing of Shelyn in her artistic endeavors.   The zenith of her ambition and isolation would ultimately lead to tragedy. One fateful night, Marcella gathered her loved ones within her opulent mansion to unveil her magnum opus. Envy and resentment had grown among the townsfolk, culminating in a horrific act of arson. The mansion, along with everyone inside, including Marcella herself, was engulfed in flames. Despite the chaos, Marcella clung to a hopeful aspiration, believing that the beauty of her masterpiece would sway the hearts of the townspeople and prevent further destruction.   But the legend did not end with the inferno. Night after night, the mansion reappeared, an ethereal monument to Marcella's artistry and the tragedy that had befallen it. Mournful music, hauntingly beautiful and laden with sorrow, echoed from its grand halls, casting a spell of melancholy over Pesco. Many whispered that it was Shelyn herself who ensured the mansion's return, a divine testament to Marcella's devotion, her hopeful aspirations, and the goddess's enduring presence in her life.   Marcella Newmont's life and her spectral mansion became inseparable from the cultural fabric of Pesco and the surrounding regions. The mansion's spectral return remains a haunting enigma, perpetuating her legacy and serving as a cautionary tale of the consequences of isolation and unchecked ambition. Marcella's name lives on, whispered in awe and trepidation for generations to come, a timeless figure forever associated with artistry, tragedy, and the spectral mansion by the shore, guided and inspired by the benevolent hand of Shelyn's divine love and creativity, and her own enduring hope for reconciliation through her art.


Marcella Newmont's early artistic education was privileged, facilitated by her family's wealth, which granted her access to top-notch tutors in painting, drawing, and music. As her talents blossomed, she sought mentorship from renowned artists and musicians who not only honed her skills but also instilled in her the belief that art had the power to mend divisions and bring people together. This hopeful aspiration would later influence her courageous decision to perform her magnum opus, believing it could transcend the resentment of the townsfolk.   Her education was not solely about technical proficiency but also about the transformative potential of art to bridge emotional chasms and heal wounds. Beyond formal education and mentorship, Marcella was an unwavering autodidact, spending countless hours in her mansion's studio perfecting her craft. Her education embodied her unwavering belief in art's ability to mend divisions, ultimately shaping her legacy as an artist who used her talents to heal and bring people together, even amidst the tragedy that befell her.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Marcella Newmont's life, marked by unwavering determination, was a testament to resilient artistry. Despite the isolation, estrangement, and growing resentment of her family and townsfolk, her remarkable accomplishments as a painter and musician were not just a reflection of her talent but also of her indomitable spirit.   Her magnum opus, the pinnacle of her creative journey, symbolized her unyielding hope. Aware of the townspeople's intent to disrupt her performance, she took the stage, believing that the beauty of her masterpiece could sway their hearts and quell their anger. This courageous act showcased her determination and her unshakeable belief in the power of art to transcend divisions. Marcella's enduring legacy serves as a testament to her ability to create beauty even in the face of adversity, leaving an indelible mark on the world through her art and perseverance, even amidst the tragedy that ultimately consumed her.

Failures & Embarrassments

Marcella Newmont's life was characterized by strained relationships with her family and the townsfolk, who perceived her as greedy due to her unwavering dedication to her art. Despite her hope that her magnum opus would mend these divisions, the tragic events that unfolded during its unveiling deepened the rifts, leaving her with the bitter knowledge that her artistic aspirations had not bridged the emotional chasms.   Her most significant failure lay in her desperate hope that the townspeople would see the beauty in her work and be swayed from their destructive intent. This hope turned into a heart-wrenching embarrassment as the events of that fateful night unfolded. The loss of her audience, friends, and her own life in the inferno was a profound and lasting source of guilt and grief, casting a long shadow over her psyche and resulting in her transformation into a Lady in White. Marcella's life was marked by artistic accomplishments and the poignant failures and embarrassments that resulted from her fervent hope for reconciliation through her art. These complex and deeply emotional experiences shaped her legacy as an artist who sought to bridge divides, even as fate tragically conspired against her.

Mental Trauma

Marcella Newmont's life was haunted not only by external challenges but also by deep emotional wounds that resulted from the isolation she endured due to her unwavering dedication to her art, coupled with the estrangement from her family and the growing resentment of the townsfolk. Though she wouldn't voice it in life, she felt betrayed by those she loved who isolated her.   The most harrowing source of mental trauma was the tragic fire that consumed her beloved mansion during the unveiling of her magnum opus. Marcella knew of the townspeople's intent to disrupt her performance, but she hoped that the beauty of her masterpiece would sway their hearts and quell their anger. She had hoped to win everyone's love back with her performance. This desperate hope made the events that unfolded even more traumatic, as her audience, friends, and her own life were lost in the inferno. The unresolved grief stemming from her untimely demise perpetuates her sorrow as she remains forever tied to the mansion and her unfulfilled artistic aspirations.

Intellectual Characteristics

Marcella Newmont possessed a remarkable set of intellectual characteristics that defined her identity both in life and as a Lady in White. Her foremost trait was her artistic brilliance, demonstrated through exceptional talent and an understanding of the emotional and spiritual dimensions of art. This brilliance was complemented by her unwavering dedication to her craft, as she poured her considerable fortune into mastering her chosen medium, creating masterpieces that reflected her deep connection with the divine, particularly the goddess Shelyn.   One of Marcella's defining intellectual traits was perseverance. Even in the face of adversity and the tragic events surrounding her life and death, she displayed remarkable resilience. During the fateful night when her mansion burned, she continued to play her music amidst the flames, hoping to quell the anger of the villagers with her artistry. Lastly, her work was marked by its emotional depth, as she had a keen ability to convey complex emotions through her art. This emotional richness made her creations deeply resonant with those who experienced them, leaving a lasting impact on the legend of Pesco.

Morality & Philosophy

Marcella Newmont's morality and philosophy were profoundly shaped by her unwavering belief in the transformative power of art. She saw her artistic talents as a divine gift, allowing her to connect with the goddess Shelyn and the spiritual dimensions of beauty and love. Her artistry served as a means to not only express profound emotions but also to heal emotional wounds and bridge divides between people.   Marcella's philosophy emphasized empathy and compassion through art, stemming from her own experiences of isolation and betrayal. She believed that her creations had the capacity to evoke empathy in others by conveying the depth of human emotion. Her dedication to her craft was driven by the desire to leave a lasting legacy of healing art that could transcend time and offer solace and emotional connection to future generations. This core belief in the healing and unifying potential of art continues to be a central theme in the legend of Pesco, where Marcella's spectral presence and mournful music touch the hearts of those who encounter her.   Marcella's transformation into a Lady in White did not alter her core belief in the healing power of art but rather amplified and adapted it to her spectral existence. Her spectral form allowed her to continue expressing herself through mournful music, underscoring her belief in the capacity of art to heal emotional wounds and bridge divides. Her music, now more haunting and emotionally charged, continued to touch the hearts of those who encountered her, reinforcing the enduring impact of artistic expression.

Personality Characteristics


She yearns for her magnum opus, her greatest creation, to be heard and appreciated. This composition is not only a reflection of her unparalleled artistic talent but also her deepest emotions and a message of redemption and understanding.   However, her spectral existence within the confines of her mansion makes it a daunting challenge to fulfill this desire. Rarely do people venture near her home due to the haunting music that emanates from it. Marcella's greatest aspiration is for someone, anyone, to hear her magnum opus, as this act would not only honor her artistic legacy but also hold the key to her release from the spectral realm. She tirelessly seeks a way to make this happen, whether by guiding the living to her mansion or by finding a means to share her music beyond its haunting confines.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Marcella's artistic abilities are extraordinary, spanning various forms of expression, from music and painting to sculpture. Her creations hold a haunting allure and evoke profound emotions. She wields a deep understanding of the emotions of the living.   Marcella's isolation within her mansion is profound, leaving her confined to its premises and yearning for connection. Her eerie presence and spectral appearance tend to inspire fear, which can hinder effective communication and trust-building in her interactions with the living.

Likes & Dislikes

Marcella has a profound appreciation for art in all its forms, finding solace and fulfillment in creating and experiencing it. She treasures moments of genuine connection with the living, valuing rare instances when someone understands her or appreciates her artistry.   Marcella despises the loneliness that accompanies her spectral existence within her mansion. She also dislikes the fear and misunderstanding often directed at her due to her eerie presence, which hinders meaningful interactions.

Virtues & Personality perks

She possessed boundless creativity, which allowed her to transform emotions and observations into breathtaking works of art, both visual and musical. Her dedication was unwavering as she pursued artistic perfection with relentless determination, dedicating countless hours to her craft.   Yet, perhaps her most defining virtue was her hopefulness. In the face of isolation and resentment, Marcella clung to the belief that art had the power to heal wounds and bridge divides. This hopeful spirit led her to perform her magnum opus with unwavering conviction, driven by the belief that her work could inspire understanding and reconciliation. Additionally, her deep spiritual devotion to Shelyn, the goddess of the arts, beauty, and love, guided her moral and philosophical outlook, inspiring her to use her artistic talents as a means to spread love and positivity in the world.

Vices & Personality flaws

She had a tendency toward isolation, driven by her unwavering dedication to her art and the pursuit of creative perfection. This isolation strained her relationships with family and the townsfolk, ultimately leading to resentment from her community.   Her ambition, while admirable in many ways, became a flaw when taken to extremes. Marcella's relentless drive to create a masterpiece that would transcend time occasionally blinded her to the consequences of her actions. This ambition played a role in the tragic events surrounding her magnum opus unveiling. Additionally, her social ineptitude, stemming from her single-minded focus on her art, further compounded her difficulties in navigating the complex dynamics of her community.

Personality Quirks

Her unwavering dedication to perfection in her art might resulted in an obsessive attention to detail, permeating every aspect of her life. Whether arranging her studio or composing music, meticulous precision was a hallmark of her approach.   She also had a habit of softly humming melodies while she worked on her paintings or went about her daily routines. This habit was a means to stay connected to her artistic inspirations. Her tendency towards isolation, driven by her passion for her craft, manifested in long hours of solitude, immersing herself entirely in her creative pursuits.


Religious Views

She regarded her artistic talents as a divine gift from Shelyn and saw her creative endeavors as a form of worship. Her spirituality was an integral part of her life and artistry, influencing her moral and philosophical outlook.   Marcella believed that creating beauty and evoking emotions through her art was a means of spreading love and positivity in the world, aligning with Shelyn's ideals. Her devotion to the goddess guided her sense of morality and inspired her to use her artistic prowess for benevolent purposes.

Social Aptitude

Marcella Newmont possessed a captivating charisma that drew people to her art and presence. Her confidence in her artistic talents was evident in her unwavering dedication to perfection in her craft. However, her confidence occasionally bordered on ego, especially in her pursuit of creating a masterpiece.   She displayed an introverted demeanor, often immersing herself in long hours of solitude as she worked on her art. Her social interactions were characterized by a certain formality, reflecting her upbringing in a wealthy family and her desire to maintain an air of sophistication. Marcella's mannerisms were marked by an attention to detail and precision, likely influenced by her commitment to achieving artistic excellence.

Wealth & Financial state

Her family's wealth provided her with the means to cultivate her artistic talents and pursue her creative endeavors with dedication.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Death
Ifash 16, 5418
5390 AAM 5418 AAM 28 years old
Circumstances of Death
Burned alive inside her home
Place of Death
Hauntingly blue, filled with sorrow
Ghostly, flowing, spectral white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ethereal, pallid, spectral whiteness
5' 7"
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
Her violin possessed minor magical properties that enhanced her musical talents. When played by Marcella, the violin emitted an enchanting resonance, stirring deep emotions in listeners and creating a profound connection. It could self-tune to perfection, ensuring her music was always harmonious, and its magical influence subtly affected the mood of those who heard it, depending on the emotions she infused into her performance. These properties elevated Marcella's artistry, making her music truly memorable and emotionally resonant for her audience.

Articles under Marcella Newmont


Marcella Newmont CR: 5

Medium undead (bard), chaotic good
Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 88 16d8+16
Speed: 0 ft , fly: 40 ft


10 +0


16 +3


13 +1


12 +1


12 +1


18 +4

Saving Throws: DEX +6, CHA +7
Skills: Arcana +4, History +4, Perception +6, Performance +10, Persuasion +10
Damage Resistances: Acid, Fire, Lightning, Thunder; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities: Cold, Necrotic, Poison
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 18
Languages: Common, Sylvan
Challenge Rating: 5 ( 700 XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +3

Marcella casts one of the following spells, using Charisma as her spellcasting ability (+7 to hit, spell save DC 15):

Incorporeal Movement. Marcella can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. She takes 5 1d10 force damage if she ends her turn inside an object.   Jack of All Trades. Marcella adds +1 to any ability check she makes that doesn’t already include her proficiency bonus.


Grasp. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 2d6+3 necrotic damage, and, if the target is a Large or smaller humanoid, Marcella attaches to it. Marcella attaches to the target’s back, where it is unable to see her. Marcella can detach herself by spending 5 feet of her movement. A creature, other than the target, can take its action to detach Marcella by succeeding on a DC 15 Strength check.   Inflict Sorrow. Marcella makes one grasp attack against the target to which she is attached. If the attack hits, the target’s Charisma score is reduced by 1d4 . The target dies if this reduces its Charisma to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest. If a female humanoid dies from this attack, a new Lady in White rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.   Invisibility. Marcella turns invisible until she attacks, or until her concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell).   Corpse Revealed. Marcella does away with her living disguise and reveals her undead state. Each non-undead creature within 50 feet of her that can see her must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to Marcella's Corpse Revealed for the next 24 hours.

Bonus Actions

Bardic Inspiration (4/Long Rest). Marcella can inspire others through her exquisite violin music. She chooses one creature other than herself within 60 feet of her who can hear her. That creature gains one d6 Bardic Inspiration die. Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes.   Unsettling Words. Marcella can spin words laced with magic that unsettle a creature and cause it to doubt itself. She can expends one use of her Bardic Inspiration and chooses one creature she can see within 60 feet of her. Roll the Bardic Inspiration die. The creature must subtract the number rolled from the next saving throw it makes before the start of her next turn.

Lair Actions

When fighting inside Applefield Mansion, Marcella can invoke her music's magic to take lair actions. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), she takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects:  

  • Marcella summons 1d3+1 Animated Music Notes (using the Flying Sword stats). She can only have a total of four of these at any time and they vanish upon defeat or Marcella's defeat.
  • Marcella places a finger over her lips and goes "shhh." All creatures within 30 feet must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution save or be unable to speak for 1d3+1 rounds.
  • Marcella recreates the fire in a 10-foot radius within 20 feet of her. Any creature in that space must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 7 2d6 Fire damage. A successful save halves this damage.

Marcella Newmont resides in Applefield Mansion. This Mansion is surrounded by apple trees, from which it derives its name. The mansion is a burnt husk during the day but magnificent at night.

Regional Effects

At night, the region surrounding Applefield Mansion is influenced by Marcella’s presence, which creates the following effects:  

  • Within 10 miles, the corpses of creatures twitch and humanoids become Ash Zombies 1d4 hours after dying, wondering aimlessly and attacking wildlife and travelers alike. These undead are active even during the day.
  • Within 20 miles, Marcella's violin playing can be heard. Any creature attempting a long rest within 10 miles must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion.
  • As an action, Marcella can create an illusory image of herself within 1 mile of her lair. The copy can appear at any location within that mile. Once created, the image lasts for as long as Marcella maintains concentration, as if concentrating on a spell. Although the image is intangible, it looks, sounds, and can move like Marcella. Marcella can sense from the image’s position as if present at that position. If the image takes any damage, it disappears.
If Marcella dies, the first effect fades over the course of 1d10 days.

Tragic Birth. Marcella was killed in a fire started by an angry mob as she was playing her magnum opus to friends and loved ones. Determined to finish the first performance of this song, she played until the fire took her life. Overcome by the sorrow of not finishing her masterpiece, she arose as a Lady in White and now haunts Applefield Mansion.   Death's Desire. Upon first glance, Marcella appears alive. A better look reveals her more spectral appearance: translucent and hovering inches off the ground. To help her move onto the afterlife, a crowd of four or more must listen to her entire performance.   Signs of the Past. Upon receiving visitors, Marcella will stop her tragic tune and begin her magnum opus, obviously cheerful at having an audience. If she is interrupted by any means whatsoever, she is overcome with sorrow at more visitors not being interested in her music and she attacks alongside three Specters, who were the loved ones she was playing to in her death. If she uses her Corpse Revealed ability, it reveals horrid burn marks and her dress appears scorched, sporting more holes that emit a fiery aura.   Undead Nature. Marcella doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.


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