Creation Myths Myth in Dystoria | World Anvil

Creation Myths

Everything presented is subject to change as the adventuring party discovers hidden secrets.


It is nearly uniformly held that when mortalkind was formed, there were already buildings, civilizations, and varoius other signs that intelligent life existed before them. These were decrepit, ruinous, and overgrown with plantlife. The Primogenitors guided the newly formed mortals into and through this world. These three beings weren't quite gods, but weren't quite mortals either. After leading the mortal races, they vanished without a trace. This has lead to a plethora of myths and scholarly debates, with religion being the core foundation of these theories. The myths are as varied as mortals themselves. However, what most of these have in common is there was some sort of life before.   Some hold that the members of The Primogenitors were all actually one person. This usually tells of The Arbiter taking on different guises for different roles. Different creation theories tell differing stories of what happened to the The Primogenitors, with some even holding that they still walk the world, watching and waiting to lead the mortals to deserving the blessings of the gods once more.


These myths are known across the world and are argued regularly by clergy and scholars alike.
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