Ty-Ammuth and Baal-Ammuth Myth in Dyrn | World Anvil

Ty-Ammuth and Baal-Ammuth

Born during the Age of Divinity in the ancient Draconic nestland of Ammuth, now lost to time, the Dragonborn Ty-Ammuth was hatched from the same egg as her twin, Baal-Ammuth (an exceedingly rare event). Slaves to the mighty Dragonform gods, black-scaled Ty-Ammuth was taken and given as a gift to Endymber, the Dragonform God of Death, while gold-scaled Baal-Ammuth was dedicated to the service of Iadryn, God of Life. During the Dragonform War, the Dragonborn, as a slave race, were pressed into service as warriors on both sides of the conflict. Countless thousands died on the battlefield at the behest of the various Dragonform Gods. At the close of the war, after the Celestial Scale drove the Gods from Dyrn, Ty-Ammuth and Baal-Ammuth were reunited on the battlefield and formed an unlikely alliance that would lead the enslaved Dragonborn to freedom. They took their scale lines across the sea to an archipelago to the east of Terrenos, settling there and vowing that they would never again be slaves.   Almost a century after finding freedom, the fragile peace between Ty-Ammuth and the chromatic scale lines, and Baal-Ammuth and the metallics ended as Ty-Ammuth, desiring power and ascendancy over all Dragonborn, used some of the magics she had learned at the side of Endymber during the Pallite war to bind the souls of several other surviving venerable Pallite generals to her own to extend her life. Fearing for the consequences should the ambitious and now lich-like Ty-Ammuth take control of the Dragonborn, Baal-Ammuth faced her in combat, where they both died.   In the aftermath of their deaths, they were venerated by their respective followings as saints, but it was not until the War of the Dawn, when the Celestial Scale grew weaker and the leylines were again opened by the Paladin Prince, that their souls could ascend to true Godhood. Once ascended, Ty-Ammuth swore fealty to Blackhanded [Banon](https://www.notion.so/Banon-c9f8167a45b94acc85b4a90a78975eec), the God of Hatred and Conquest and promised to lead her Dragonborn to conquest and tyranny, while Bahl-Ammuth dedicated his service to Selyne in order to oppose his sister.   In the centuries since, Ty-Ammuth has continued her modus operandi in absorbing the essence of those she finds most useful. Over the centuries she has displaced or destroyed many of the ancient draconic deities and is now the prime goddess of the chromatic dragons While no deity has been allowed to ascend since the time of the War of the Dawn, many Dragonborn saints who have served Ty-Ammuth well and been awarded by admission to Avernus have been consumed by the avaricious God, the most powerful of them becoming new heads for the many headed dragon. Ty-Ammuth continues to seek allies in her war against the elder Dragonform gods who enslaved her people.   Baal-Ammuth, in turn, has dedicated his service to Selyne and in doing so has been elevated to godhood over metallic dragons and Dragonborn alike. In return for his service he was granted a coat of platinum scales. He maintains a fortress on the plane of Celestia, where the souls of his faithful journey to be tended. The seven most powerful of those souls form his Paladine Council, each embodying a different aspect of the platinum dragon's personality.   Worship of Ty-Ammuth remains mainstream within the Archipelago de Dyrconus. It is outlawed within Terrenos, the last Ty-ammuthian cleric being barred from the Scalebound Synod centuries ago. Worship of Baal-Ammuth is mainstream within de Dyrconus, and in his aspect of Paladin-Xymor within the Empire.

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