The Two Summers War Military Conflict in Dyrn | World Anvil

The Two Summers War

Tor Revaine and the Sommelands attacks the Empire, hoping to strike a weak and divided empire. Eager to cement her position as a new Empress, Elarryn I commits wholely to the war, raising levees and retaliating in force. Ostensibly launched as a counter attack, but also motivated strongly by the recently established Silver Standard within the Empire and the deposits of silver in the mountains to the west of Tor Revaine, The two-year war culminates in the Battle of Tremenette Fields, where Amil Entrieri, the last King of the Sommelands, is slain in combat. His Queen and the heir to the throne are presumed killed as Empire forces sack Tor Revaine. Principality over the Sommelands is granted to Accursio Galde, Senior Precept to King Entrieri, who pledged fealty to Empress Elarryn I.
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