The Third sun Myth in Dyrn | World Anvil

The Third sun

As told by Coyolxauhqui Chiconahui, High Priestess of Chalchiuhtlicue

From the void, Ometeotl stood among the Gods of strange races and worlds and wrought the material of the world from nothingness. Giants walked the world with the Gods under the light of the First Sun. There was a great war in heaven, and the dark serpent God Kulkulan assembled a host and snuffed out the sun. Thus ended the first sun.   The world trembled in darkness. The Giants fought under the heavens with the material host of Kulkulan, as Ometeotl and their brother and sister Gods fought with blade and club against the great heavenly host of Kulkulan. Coatlicue, the Goddess of the Earth was awoken from her slumber, and from her womb brought forth Tezcatlipoca, the Smoking Mirror, who became the new sun and moon. The Second Sun dawned, and Kulkulan was defeated.   Ometeotl grew powerful. The other Gods became angry with Ometeotl and chased them from heaven. Chased by the stars in the night sky, they fell to earth. Their power was so great they turned the people of the world mute and dumb, and they became as beasts. Thus ended the Second Sun.   Ometeotl found the bones of the dead and over them they sprinkled the blood of a dead god; those bones became the first man and first woman of the Mexicatl, who opened their eyes to see the dawning of the Third Sun, and worshipped Ometeotl. Ometeotl summoned to his side the spirits of the old Gods and created Xipetotec, Qutezlcoatl, Tezcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli.   In memory of the blood of the making, the Mexicatl make sacrifices to their Gods. We now live in the Third Sun, the age of Fire, and it is said that fire will cleanse the world of the usurpers and imitators that have taken our lands and call themselves “Dragon-Born”.