The Fan'daru Species in Dying World of Cealla | World Anvil

The Fan'daru

Fan'daru Overview

Often seen as the least known and most aggressive of the Ceallan people, this belief is rooted in the cultural differences, past events and deep misunderstandings. The first of present day Sjomaur explorers ran into Fan’daru guardians, and their skirmish left several of the explorers dead. What is not commonly known is that the Fan’daru were one of the first new races to develop their own languages and continue their work in math and science.   Since then, the Fan’daru have adopted a religious/Social belief that since the Dispersal, the people of the Old Gods cannot be trusted, and only Fan’daru can. They have bold features and a dark complexion, as well as a second membrane over their eyes to protect them from sand and debris.

Race Stats

Ability Score Increase: +1 (Str or Dex), +2 Wis   Skill Proficiency: You gain proficency in Survival and Perception.   Living in the Dying Lands: You have evolved to live in the harsh desert of the Dying Lands. Difficult terrain in deserts does not limit your movemement, and when you roll on Perception and Investigation checks while your vision or sight is impaired you roll with advantage. (e.g. sandstorms, heavy rain, winds, snow). Additionally when you are reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.     Hunters of the Beasts Beyond: Every Fan'daru is taught from childhood how to wield the Bhulairem, or battle spear to defend themselves, especially from creatures much larger than themselves. All are expected to serve Ska'atch and its defense for several years, meaning ever man woman and child knows how to use the bhulairem with ruthless, efficient lethality. Because of this training and background, you gain the following benefits:
  • You gain proficency with the Bhulairem. An exotic spear that has a the reach, and finesse properties.
  • When you attack a creature with the Bhulairem or spear head you may twist the spear head into the creature causing it to be embedded. This can either be done by hand or by pulling on the rope attached to the spear head and spiral like groves around the tip of the spear causing it to twist.
  • While the spear head is embedded the creature bleeds for 1d6 on each of it's turns until the spear head is removed with an action or the creature dies. You also have advantage to track the creature for as long as it bleeds.
  • As a free action before you've embedded the spear head into a creature you can attach up to 50 feet of rope to it from your pack.
  • When you remove the spear head from the Bhulairem the spear head becomes the equivalent of a dagger and the shaft becomes the equivalent of a quarterstaff with the finesse property.
  • After the creature is felled you can retrieve your spear head as a free action, and you can re-attatch it to your Bhulairem.
A Fan'daru Woman


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