Malfece Organization in Dwell | World Anvil

Malfece (Mol-feece)

Named loosely after the worshipped deity, Mal, this religion is largely comprised of a decentralized population of artists, philosophers, criminals, geniuses and morons alike--accepting and promoting nearly any lifestyle. The only restriction it usually has is centered around structure: there should be none. As a result, most actions taken by (ironically) organized malfecents is meant to somehow dismantle some form of structure they consider harmful.   That said, they do this with the belief that a stagnant society is a regressive society, and by forcing people to constantly think about exactly how their world functions is the most effective way to improve it. However, this is most often embodied and seen as anything from juvenile pranks to the absolute defacement and destruction of an Transitionalist temple (with whom they are now allies, thanks to their common goals of advancing society), so their public standing with most outside organizations is... poor.


It is more acceptable to walk around on your hands with your bare ass exposed and painted to look like a face than to spend an afternoon making your lawn uniform to your neighbors (unless that "uniform" look is the result of neglect or has some sort of value, in which case it's fine). While countries have laws against morally horrendous acts, this religion has little to say about them, and basically just tells everyone to express themselves however they see fit. For many Malfecents, repulsion from others is a sign of individuality and is sought out more than acceptance... making this religion wildly unpopular to most outsiders.   However, almost everyone in this group strives to understand each other and have a pretty advanced society--boasting of strange and unique technologies as well as many contributions to the world of art. They are also the culprits of most crimes.

Public Agenda

They have none. Their focus is almost entirely directed inward, believing that most (if not all) external agendas are ultimately doomed to fail. That said, individuals will often take the initiative to act in the name of Mal when doing things like inscribing rough images of genitalia on the side of an Absolutist's house or challenging strangers to a "duel of wits" and immediately running away if they accept. Some find success in communicating encrypted messages and envy their misunderstood brethren who left their (usually unwilling) audiences asking... "why?"

Divine Origins

It's uncertain how this religion came to be, as it was decentralized and their documentation methods are... unreliable. The only official mentions of Mal come from an event where Enna and Ryn manifested themselves in mortal bodies to inform, well, mortals of some rudimentary functions of their universe. This was, of course, thousands of years ago and while it is generally accepted that the four deities are real, some believe their behaviors are largely derived from poor speculation. Most Malfecents, however, don't really care. They aren't punished by Mal for their behavior and they do believe in the underlying philosophies of this religion, so why does it matter if this is the will of their deity or not?   That said, one of few verified records (kept by a Transitionalist) did detail a story about Mal striking one of his followers dead when said follower asked Mal to "strike me dead" if his pornographic novel was not based on a real homosexual experience he'd had with the deity. This death came as a flash of lightning out of a clear sky, and is therefore most likely the work of Mal himself (or perhaps one of the other deities, but that seems less likely).

Granted Divine Powers

Some believe werekin are the manifestations of Mal or perhaps just beings Mal has given sentience and life to. This, however, is refuted by most Malfecents as "heretical" or merely speculations made by those who associate all things considered "bad" with Mal.   However, Mal seems to be very present, if indirect, in the Malfecent culture. There have been a few very powerful humans, elves and even one dwarf who attributed their sudden abilities to their connection with Mal. They claimed their orders were to "do something", but refused to say whether or not they heard this directly from Mal or not. In fact, they gave no other information or details concerning how they gained these abilities--and searching their homes/asking their loved ones afterwards didn't help either. These powerful beings were apparently selected at random, then sent out into the world to do as they please--with no repercussions from their aligned deity (or any other deity, for that matter). Some brought hell to the world, while others brought advancements that still benefit the population of Dwell.


The sects associated with Malfece are numerous... most function as ironic parodies of real organizations, even going so far as to commit extreme atrocities that fit their narrative. For the most part, though, these are more casual or passive sects who attempt to disrupt their local societies with art or slightly odd behaviors that throw people off.
Religious, Organised Religion
Related Species


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