Daffodil Revolution Military Conflict in Duurn | World Anvil

Daffodil Revolution

Modern radical politics in Kaisa can be traced from the Kaisan Revolution of 1333. While the revolution was suppressed by a combination of political concessions and military force, the conditions that the uprising sprouted from remained the same or intensified since. In 1350 CE, a coalition of revolutionary parties and organizations, pejoratively and then reappropriatively called The Daffodils began a campaign of open revolt against the Kaisan Symvouli, sparked by the hardships of the Last War, a lack of political representation, and radical political agitation.   In 1333 CE, the Synedas Ergiada Kaisiko was declared an illegal organization by the Kaisan Symvouli, but the labor federation continued to operate underground for more than a decade, through the start of the Last War. In 1344 CE, the SEK entered affiliation with the Eletera Symvouli Kaisiko, forming the SEK-ESK, and began to organize against the continuation of the Last War. Over the next several years, the SEK-ESK organized strikes and countless community and labor meetings throughout Kaisa, under constant repression by the Etnofroura. The Kaisan population, tired of food shortages and ever-increasing conscription quotas, were highly responsive to their agitation.   In 1349 CE towards the end of the Last War, when Kaisa declared a doomed counteroffensive and mutiny began spreading throughout the Kaisan troops, the SEK-ESK saw their opportunity and declared a general strike. They demanded an end to the war, the resignation of the entire Symvouli, and the transition of power to the organizing committee of the SEK-ESK. Fearing a full uprising, the Symvouli signed a ceasefire with the IJU, as negotiations towards the end of the war commenced. The SEK-ESK, instead of being assuaged by this concession, were invigorated, and the general strike expanded across Kaisa. After the armistice was signed on the 19th of the Month of Hope, 1350 and the Last War was officially ended, the Symvouli moved to disarm the military, seeing that Kaisan army units that were already broadly sympathetic to the radicals were beginning to engage in open rebellion.   In response, the Isostathis Ergato Kampa Kaisiko, which had significant representation in the Laida Synekio declared their support for the SEK-ESK and boycotted the synekio. Most representatives from the Psiforos Kampa Kaisa and some more radical members from other liberal parties followed suit. The Symvouli proceeded to dissolve the Laida Synekio in its entirety. Army units and bands of citizens aligned with the ultra-radical factions of the Daffodils began to engage in acts of open rebellion, marking the beginning of the Daffodil Revolution.
Conflict Type
Start Date
1350 CE



~60,000 members of the Etnofroura


Less than 300, to date


Maintain the cohesion of Kaisa, with itself at the head of the government.
  • 1327

    18 /5

    2 /6

    Aorist Uprising

    The Aorist Uprising was a short-lived centralist revolution, in 1332. The revolutionaries managed to seize several critical locations, around the nation, but they were swiftly crushed by the Kaisan military, before they were able to spread the revolution any further.   While the uprising failed, its tactics, both failed and victorious, continue to inspire the Daffodils, and many of the organizers of the uprising are active within the Daffodils, especially Raine Vlahakis, now a prominent figure in the federalist clique.

  • 1327

    10 /9

    The Aorist Compromise
    Political event

    With tension still high, after the Aorist Uprising, the Symvouli narrowly passes an initiative to allow the creation of local councils and grants them the power to make political decisions on local affairs. Intended to stave off the calls for greater political representation, which it temporarily did, the creation of the local councils also created a dual power structure, as the citizens began to organize around the local councils, effectively granting them greater de facto political power than the Symvouli.

  • 1335

    24 /2

    Beginning of the Last War
    Military action

    Beginning as a trade conflict, the skirmish between Kaisa and Halar spirals wildly out of control, eventually encompassing nearly the entirety of Duurn. With it comes wartime rationing and conscription. As the war carries on, Kaisa is cut off from the imports it needs to fuel its industrial economy, and the agricultural production in the north is devastated, during the Alliance push. Viewed as a war to preserve the very concept of Kaisa, at the beginning, the war becomes increasingly unpopular, eventually inspiring strikes, riots, and sabotage.

  • 1340

    22 /15

    The Safden Incident
    Military action

    The extreme rationing of food and other necessary supplies, during the Last War, led to a series of strikes and marches, protesting the increasingly unpopular war. During one of these strikes, in an event later called the Safden Incident, a prominent trade union organizer, Sonia Georgiou, is killed by the Etnofroura. The young organizer is struck in the head by a club and dies on the scene.

  • 1340

    7 /16

    The Penny Street March
    Gathering / Conference

    In a day reminiscent of the opening salvos of the Aorist Uprising, more than eight thousand striking workers and sympathizers occupy the entirety of Penny Street, in Kaisadroupolis. Daffodils are passed around the occupiers, a symbol of grief and hope, giving the movement its name. Raine Vlahakis, who had fled to Koberek after the Aorist Uprising, speaks for more than two hours, interspersed by speeches and calls to action from numerous other organizers. The Etnofroura come, to disperse the gathering, and are confronted by citizens armed with pistols and knives, which would later form into the Penny Street Militia.

  • 1341

    1 /4

    Purge of the Synedrio Syndikaton
    Political event

    Even as the workers became more and more radicalized by the economic situation, many ostensibly revolutionary organizations were hesitant to act, due to the Last War. The leadership of these organizations, especially, advocated patience, until the war was won, but their members were not willing to sit and wait. The leaders of the Synedrio Syndikaton, accused of opportunism and stagnancy, were driven out of the trade union federation. New elections were held, resulting in a delegation of mostly revolutionary federalists, who moved to purge the federation of reformist elements.

  • 1341


    The Month of Iron
    Military action

    Accused of treason and inciting rebellion, more than half of the Synedrio Syndikaton delegation is imprisoned by the Etnofroura, the rest going into hiding, and the federation is outlawed. The Month of Iron is the beginning of a coordinated effort to suppress the burgeoning revolution. The Etnofroura makes a redoubled effort to crack down on striking workers. Activity continues, but the brutal counterattacks begin to snuff out hope. Many of the leaders of the Daffodils are arrested, with Raine Vlahakis narrowly escaping prison, on several occasions.

  • 1341


    Beginning of the Kaisan General Strike
    Civil action

    Forced underground, the Synedrio Syndikaton continues to operate, now clandestinely. With the organization outlawed, reformist elements are essentially nonexistent, even while the federation continues to coordinate between Kaisan trade unions. The Synedrio Syndikaton calls for a general strike, and as the popularity of the Last War collapses, more and more unions join the strike.

  • 1342

    21 /1

    Formation of the Koinilogisi
    Gathering / Conference

    As the general strike continues into its fifth month and the Symvouli desperately scrambles to hang on to control, the distribution of food and other supplies was handled by individual local councils and trade unions. Several local councils, in conjunction with the Synedrio Syndikaton, meet to discuss coordinating resources and the creation of an urban farming initiative. As meetings progress, the Penny Street Militia, the Kaisan Republican Party, and other organizations are invited to send representatives, and the Koinilogisi (Common Assembly) is formed.

  • 1342

    18 /4

    Formation of the Arati Taxarchia

    During departure, an airship carrying Mara Daikis, a lochagos in the Etnofroura, explodes. The next day, declarations of purpose are left nailed to the doors of several major Kaisan publications, signed as the Arati Taxarchia (Invisible Brigade). The Etnofroura make several arrests, but within a week, a factory producing shells, for the war, has sand poured in the inner workings of its manufacturing equipment, and the Arati Taxarchia declare ownership, shortly after. These attacks continue, with increasing frequency.

  • 1342

    13 /7

    Signing of the Woeful Concordat
    Political event

    The signing of the Woeful Concordat marks the end of the Last War, a "peace with honor" that favors the Three Continents Coalition, forcing recognition of their colonial holdings and the payment of minor reparations. The treaty comes at the expense of the absolute devastation wrought by doomsday engines of occult origin. Kaisa's economy lies in ruins, and the vestiges of control, that the Symvouli claim, quickly slip away. With the returning soldiers comes a base of trained militants for the revolution, many of whom are disillusioned with the Kaisan government and who are more than willing to see radical change to its end.

  • 1342

    12 /8

    Formation of the Bronze Guard
    Military action

    Despite enjoying high popular support, the Koinilogisi face constant suppression by the Etnofroura and the loyalist elements of the Kaisan army, brought in to stomp out the revolution. Meetings of the Koinilogisi are frequently broken up by Etnofroura, and delegates are forced to hide, lest they be targeted for arrest or worse. During one meeting of the Koinilogisi, the Etnofroura arrive, en force, and are met by several dozen uniformed militants, who stand off with the Etnofroura, while the delegates of the Koinilogisi make their escape. Before reinforcements arrive, the militia retreats. Later, during another meeting of the Koinilogisi, Erdem Bulut, a veteran officer of the Last War, declares his allegiance "to the common assembly and to the commune," and calls for a unified Bronze Guard, to protect the revolution. He and the Bronze Guard have, since then, protected the Koinilogisi and have grown exponentially in size.

  • 1342

    23 /11

    The Symvouli-KRP Agreement
    Political event

    In an attempt to prevent complete collapse, through reconciliation and acceptance of the demands of moderate members of the Daffodils, the Symvouli meets with the Kaisan Republican Party and signs a new political constitution. The new document doubles the size of the Symvouli, guaranteeing that the new seats would be filled by representatives, appointed through a new electoral process. In exchange, the Kaisan Republican Party openly denounces the radical elements of the Daffodils. Many suspect that, as part of the exchange, the KRP provided the names and locations of several leaders of the radicals, as shortly after the deal is made, the Etnofroura make several high-profile arrests, including Raine Vlahakis.

  • 1343


    "The Revolution is Upon Us"

    At first, the deal with the KRP seems to calm the population, if minutely, but this does not last long. In the Month of Silence of 1343, an official in the KRP releases letters between KRP party members and members of the Symvouli, that confirm suspicions that the KRP gave up other members of the Daffodils to the Etnofroura and that the elections for the new seats on the Symvouli are quietly being rigged to favor moderate members of the KRP.   Shortly after, the Bronze Guard, having been gathering strength in the last year, begins a campaign, attacking Etnofroura posts, the holdings of noble families and major industrialists, and erecting barricades to protect allied local councils. Erdem Bulut gives a fiery speech in the Committee Plaza of Kaisadroupolis, declaring that "the revolution is upon us" and entreating the workers of Kaisa to pick a side and unite.

  • 1344

    19 /1

    Raine Vlahakis is Released

    During a riot, sparked by the indiscriminately brutal response of the Etnofroura to the actions of the Bronze Guard and the Arati Taxarchia, the Etnofrouran prison holding Raine Vlahakis, among other political prisoners, is stormed. Hundreds of prisoners escape, in the chaos, including Vlahakis. Immediately, he returns to his work of organizing within the Koinilogisi, writing pamphlets and giving impromptu speeches, with the energy of a much younger man.

  • 1344

    15 /2

    The Declaration of the Kaisan Commune
    Political event

    As the Bronze Guard and the Arati Taxarchia continue a campaign of revolutionary terror, the federalist majority in the Koinilogisi becomes increasingly concerned that the situation will spiral out of control, leading to deepening division in the assembly and a collapse into chaos. Realizing that, in order to contain the situation, they must take decisive action, with a significant majority of votes, the Koinilogisi decides to declare total independence from the Symvouli. Raine Vlahakis is chosen to speak, and in his speech, he announces the formation of the Kaisan Commune and officially declares war on the "illegitimate" Kaisan government.


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