Sowil, The Sun Serpent Character in Duskmire | World Anvil
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Sowil, The Sun Serpent

She floats in endless rotations around the planet, shining her fiery light down upon it, she is the sun, the life-giving light of the world that would otherwise remain shrouded without her. She favours paladins, clerics, and druids, and happily shares her brilliant power with them, as well as others who call on it. This often comes in the form of healing, radiant, and fire magics.

Tenets of Faith

  • Bring light to the lives you touch.
  • Don't diminish your own glow when helping others find theirs.
  • Be the light against the darkness.
  • To be light, means to have hope, love, and kindness in your heart, knowing that it is strength to carry it, not weakness.
Divine Classification
Major Deity
Lawful, Good, Neutral

Character Portrait image: by of711


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