Solor, The Sea Dragon Character in Duskmire | World Anvil
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Solor, The Sea Dragon

A water guardian. They say the eb and flow of the seas matches the rhythm of her breathing, and the crashing waves that eat away at mountains grain by grain are reminders of the power and patience she holds. the legends and rumours that circle around this creature are many. It seems every port, every lake and mire have different tales to tell about her. Some say she is a beast of terrible wrath, mercilessly overturning vessels. While others tell of great deeds of benevolence, close rescues and guidance through treacherous waters. While it is hard to discern what might be true, one thing remains for certain: She is a force to be respected. She favours Druids, Paladins, Barbarians, Fighters. Her gifts often come in the form of water, healing and storm magics.

Tenets of Faith

  • Sail wisely wherever life takes you.
  • Know where your strength comes from.
  • When you can't touch bottom, keep treading.
  • Find your balance with all things.
Divine Classification
Major Deity

Character Portrait image: by Skiysilver


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