Victory Celebration Tradition / Ritual in Durin | World Anvil
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Victory Celebration

Victory Celebration ("the Celebration") is held from the 26th to the 35th of Greencall. It celebrates the historic naval battle which won the independence of Vatalli, where the nascent Vatalli navy emerged triumphant over the Lurian fleet. When the sailors returned to the city on the 26th, the city broke out into spontaneous celebration. Coincidentally, the Celebration leads into the Holy Week (1st to 7th of Blossom).    Since then, the Celebration has become the most popular festival in Vatalli. Decorations line the streets, bearing the blue, white, and gold colors of the Vatalli flag. Commemorative games and performances are held throughout the week.    The greatest among the games are the citywide chariot races, where four teams compete. Fans always line the streets and temporary barricades are placed along the route of the race to keep them safe. The four teams of the chariot races are the Red Chimeras, the Blue Owlbears, the Green Griffons, and the Gold Unicorns. Many Vatallians are strong fans of one of these chariot teams. Riots have been known to breakout when cheating is believed to be involved.    During the day, performances at theaters and in the plazas are also held (although not at times that would conflict with the races). These performances typically run plays of a patriotic or comedic tone.    At night, parties are held in the street across the city. At these parties, there is much drinking, gambling, and revelry. It is typical to wear masks during these nighttime parties. These masks have the practical effect of blurring the line between noble and commoner, even if only for a night. Nobles sometimes hold galas at their estates for more dignified revelry.    Nobles typically use the Celebration as a chance to make their patronage known. They are known to sponsor chariot teams, commission plays, and purchase decorations for entire neighborhoods.

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